Introduce the my fellow students to the study of blood and its relevance to the diagnosis of diseases.
Hematology Involves
1.The study of Cellular constituents of the blood
Hematology also involves
2.The number of concentration of cells
Hematology also involves
3.The relative distribution of various types
of cells
Hematology also involves
4.The study of structural or biochemical abnormalities of blood cells that result in disease.
Blood is
A Tissue
Blood is examined in practically
Examined in practically every phase of medical practice, including blood forming tissues.
Blood is examined whenever
Whenever even the slightest suggestion of a disorder affecting the blood directly or indirectly
Certain observations of peripheral blood universally regarded as
Indispensable to the examination of all patients.
Blood Volume for average sized adult male is
Approx 5 liters of blood
( T/F ) Size matters when determining the Volume of Blood
( T/F ) On average, for an adult male it is about 75 mL/kg [ 5.625L] , for woman 65 mL/kg [4.875L].
What percentage is Blood in the Human Body?
Accounts for 8% of the human body weight, with an average density of approximately 1,060 kg/m3
Functions of blood Include
1.Supply of oxygen to tissues.
Functions of blood Include
2.Supply of nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids.
Functions of blood Include
3.Removal of waste such as carbon dioxide, urea, and lactic acids.