Introduction to Health Care Flashcards
what is EMTALA?
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
what is the primary, secondary, tertiary prevention?
Primary prevention avoids the development of a disease. examples include: Smoking cessation programs/immunization programs/educational programs for pregnancy and employee safety
SECONDARY prevention activities are focused on early disease detection, which prevents progression.
TERTIARY prevention reduces the impact of already established disease by minimizing disease-related complications. Tertiary prevention focuses on rehabilitation and monitoring of diseased individuals.
what is the Iron Triangle?
it is used to evaluate health care systems? The Iron triangle is a balancing act of access, cost containment, and quality. the Iron triangle focuses on quality, cost, and access of a program. The quality of the service , the cost of the service, and the accessibility of the service must be balance in order to provide good health care
what is the definition of an epidemic
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
what is an almshouse? poor house?
they were established to serve the indigent by providing shelter while treating illness.
what is the meant by the “graying” process ?
the increase in the portion of older people in the population
as we age to more chronic health conditions develop?
what is healthy people 2010/2020?
2010- a comprehensive, nationwide health promotion and disease prevention agenda. 2020- tracks approximately 1,300 objectives organized into 42 topic areas, each of which represents an important public health area.
when did president Obama sign the affordable care act
march 23,2010
what do infant mortality rates measure?
to compare the health status of nations world wide
Does the U.S. health care system provide access to all its citizens?
what are some examples of alternative and complementary medicine?
yoga, vitamins, and spiritual healing
is the surgeon general the U.S. chief health educator?
what is the mission of the Indian health service?
is to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Native (AI/AN) to the highest level.
The national institutes of health has 27 institutes and centers that focus on different diseases and conditions?