Introduction to Governmental Organizations & Fund Accounting Flashcards
What are the Governmental topics most likely to appear on the CPA exam?
Deferred outflows of resources, Deferred inflows of resources, and Net position
as perscribed under GASB Statement no.63
Pension plan reporting (GASB statement no.67) and Pension Accounting and Reporting by employers (GASB Statement no. 68)
What are the main characteristics that drive Government accounting and reporting?
A) No profit motive B) Lack of clear ownership C) Non-exchange services - contributors of resources do not receive proportionate share of benefits D) Compliance w/laws & regulations E) Formal Budget Process
What are the different types of Governmental Entities?
1) State & Local Governments:
- towns, cities, county, parish, state governments
- also called “ general purpose governments”
2) Special Purpose Governments
- school districts, transit authorities
3) Agencies & Commissions:
- economic development, convention bureau
What are the GASB level of authorities?
Level A) GASB Statements & Interpretations ie officially established accounting principles
Level B) GASB Technical Bulletins & AICPA Industry guides
Level C) AICPA Practice Bulletins if made specifically applicable to state and local government & cleared by GASB
Level D) GASB Implementation Guides and widely recognized practices prevalent in state and local government
What is the purpose of the GASB Conceptual Framework?
To provide a framework for GASB by developing and rising standards
*concept statements are not authoritative GAAP!
Rather they provide guidance
What are the 5 GASB Conceptual statements that have been released to date thus far?
1) Objectives of financial reporting
2) Services efforts and accomplishments
3) Financial Reporting
4) Elements of Financial Reports
5) Service efforts & accomplishments (amendment to Concept Statement 2)
What is the key objective of Financial Reporting for governments?
ie Concept Statement 1
Interperiod equity - are current year resources sufficient to pay current year services?
What are they key characteristics of Governmental Financial Reporting
ie Concept Statement 1, cont. Timeliness Relevance Understandability Comparability Consistency Reliability
“TRUCCR” (Trucker)
What are and how are “Service Efforts & Accomplishments” reported in Governmental accounting?
ie. Concept Statement 2
It is a voluntary report
Service efforts = inputs eg. cost of fire department
Service accomplishments = what you received from the inputs can be either outputs or outcomes
- Outputs : eg. # of fire alarms responded to
- Outcomes: eg. % of fire alarms responded to w/ in 5 min.
What is the hierarchy of reporting in Governmental Financial Reporting?
ie Concept Statement 3
1) Recognition in basic financial statements
2) Note disclosure
3) Required supplemental information (RSI)
4) Other supplemental information (not required)
What are the elements of Financial Statements for GASB? highly likely to be tested
ie Concept Statement 4
1) Assets
2) Liabilities
3) Deferred Outflow of Resources*
4) Deferred Inflow of Resources*
5) Net Position*
*updated and highly tested
What are the different categories of Funds found in Fund accounting?
1) Governmental Funds
2) Proprietary Funds
3) Fiduciary Funds
What is a Fund?
A fund is both:
A fiscal entity (accounts for cash & noncash resources)
An accounting entity (debits=credits)
What is a Governmental Fund? And what are the specific funds under this category of Fund ?
A fund that accounts for sources, uses and balances of general government financial resources (eg. taxes)
- General Fund: catchall, everything not required to be accounted for under other Funds
- Special Revenue Funds: resources that are restricted or committed for a specific purpose (other than debt service or capital projects)
- Capital Projects Fund: resources that are restricted or committed for construction or acquisition of capital facilities or capital assets
- Debt Service Funds: resources set aside to pay service principal and interest expenditures
- Permanent Funds: accounts for endowments in which earnings are restricted to support government programs dedicated to a Public Purpose
What is a Proprietary Fund? And what are the specific funds under this category of Fund?
A fund that accounts for business-type activities
- Enterprise Funds: accounts for business-type activities in which the PUBLIC is the primary user. Thus may be charged to public. Also uses ACCRUAL accounting
- Internal Service Funds: accounts for business-type activities in which other GOVERNMENTAL DEPARTMENTS are the Primary user