Introduction to Genes and inheritance Flashcards
what is the building block of DNA?
what makes this up? (3)
different bases?
DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid
The building block of DNA is nucleotides, a nucleotide is made from a pentose sugar, a phosphate group and an nitrogenous base (thymine, adenine, cytosine, guanine)
Nucleotide base pairing
how many H bonds?
Adenine only pairs with thymine (2H)
Guanine only pairs with cytosine (3H)
pyramidine and purines
Ys are pyramidines so thymine and cytosine
adenine and guanine are purines
DNA is a double helix. How? bonding?
The DNA is a double helix, the sugar-phosphate backbone is joined by very strong bonds between the phosphates, while the weak hydrogen bonds between bases can be broken and unzip, to be transcribed.
The phosphate-deoxyribose backbone is on the outside while the bases hydrogen bond in the middle
what is a gene?
occupy what?
passed on from?
what do they encode?
how many copies of gene?
Within the DNA there are sections/sequences of nucleotides called genes.
They occupy fixed positions.
They are passed on from parents to offspring.
Genes contain the instructions for making proteins
We always have 2 copies of each gene
From DNA to protein - short summary
4 step process?
- DNA zip open and a pre-mRNA strand is created.
- Introns are then spliced out.
- mRNA leaves nucleus and gets translated into an amino acid chain.
- This polypeptide chain then folds up into the final molecule / protein.
What is a chromosome?
what is it made from? joined by?
A chromosome is an organized way of packaging and storing DNA in the nucleus of the cell.
This chromosome is made from two chromatids, joined by a centromere. There is a long arm and short arm.
Chromosome number
how many pairs in humans?
how many autosomes? sex chromosomes?
Different organisms have different numbers of chromosomes.
There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human genome, 23 chromatids from the father and 23 from the mother, this forms the entire 46 chromosomes.
Chromosomes 1-22 are the autosomes, while X/Y are the sex chromosomes. All the chromosomes make up the genome.
The genome is an organism’s entire set of DNA
and includes all of its genes
2 different defects in the genome (types_
Single gene defects and chromosome abnormality
chromosomal aberrations (2 types)
Defects in the genome at “macro” level
Can be either numerical or structural
Numerical change chromosomal aberrations
2 examples
A numerical change is when there is a numerical difference in the number of chromosomes, for example downs syndrome (trisomy 21), where there is an extra copy of chromosome 21.
Monosomy X (Turners Syndrome) is the absence of the Y sex chromosome.
Structural change chromosomal aberrations
5 different structural chnager abberations?
You can have translocation with chromosomes, which is when a part of a gene breaks off and then swaps with another one on a different chromosome. Depending on where this break is, this would determine the disease.
These structural abnormalities can be seen in karyotypes also, by oddly shaped chromosomes, which would indicate that there has been some breaking off and swapping of parts of chromosomes.
Other examples of structural abnormalities include:
Deletion: A chunk (gene) of a chromosome is deleted
Duplication: A gene in the chromosome is repeated (i.e. doubled)
Inversion: Where the gene gets switched round in reading frame
Substitution: Gene on one chromosome is substituted for another
Summary of chromosomal defects
caused by?
numeriacal aberattions? 2 examples
structural aberations? examples>
dectectable how?
These are usually caused by a failure during cell division (meiosis).
Numerical aberrations lead to missing (monosomy – Turner Syndrome) or extra chromosomes (triosomy – Down Syndrome).
Structural aberrations lead to missing a part or gaining an extra part, or a part has switched place (with another part). (Cri du chat syndrome = 5p deletion, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Type I = 17p12 duplication).
This ultimately leads to having too much or too little or mixed up chromosomal (genetic) material.
These alterations in chromosome number or structure can be pathological and cause birth defects.
Usually detectable through the microscope doing karyotyping.
Single gene defects
defetcs in micro level called?
Defects in the genome at a microlevel are called point mutations
This can occur from just one nucleotide changing in a gene and it can result in disease.
point mutations - 4 types?
Wild type
silent mutation
missense mutation
nonsense mutation
missense mutation
If ATG was mutated to GTG, this would cause CAC -> Histidine. So this is a completely different amino acid and if the properties are different, it will lead to different folding of the protein and so can alter the function.
missense mutation
Example of disease:
codon from what to what? amino acid from what to what?
net result of this?
Example of disease:
Sickle-cell anemia
Codon change due to missense mutation: GAG to GTG in the haemoglobin gene.
Amino acid change from Glutamic acid to Valine.
Red blood cells with normal haemoglobin are smooth and round and glide easily through blood vessels.
Red blood cells with defect haemoglobin are misshapen (sickle-shaped) and are rigid and sticky.
There could be mutation to ATC -> UAG -> STOP. As it codes for a stop protein the synthesis will stop
wild type
The wild type of the protein is the normal protein, this is coded for by a normal gene and hence mRNA codon
silent mutation
Say there was a mutation in the gene and the nucleotide G was swapped for an A. Giving ATA, this would cause: ATA -> UAU -> Tyrosine.
This is known as a silent mutation as there is no effect; this is because one amino acid will be coded for by multiple codons.
(indels) - what are they?
Another defect in the genome at a microlevel are insertions/deletions (indels)
Insertion and deletions effect
what does it causes?
leads to what disorder?
This is where nucleotides are added in or removed from the DNA sequence. These insertions or deletions cause a shift in the reading frame (frameshift varients) can lead to Mendelian single gene disorders.
This can cause truncated proteins that don’t function properly.
Summary of single gene defects
when can mutation occur? (2)
When a genetic defect is only affecting one gene, we refer to this as a single gene disorder.
The defect is a result of a single mutation that appear at nucleotide level; sometimes just affecting one single nucleotide.
The mutation responsible can occur spontaneously before embryonic development (e.g. in meiosis) or it can be inherited from one or two parents.
Sometime these alterations of the DNA code can be pathological and cause disease.
However, genetic disorders are rare in themselves.
Usually detectable through DNA sequencing.
Defects in the genome can cause disease
single gene vs chromosomal
Single gene defects
An individual can have normal chromosomes in number and structure, but still have a disease caused by a mutation in one of the genes on one of the chromosomes.
vs chromosome abnormality
Similarly, a personal can have normal genes, however, if the number or structure of chromosomes are abnormal, then that can affect the genes to not work properly, and thereby cause disease.
Single gene disorders often have a predictable inheritance pattern
5 types?
There are several types of single gene disorders that can be inherited
Autosomal dominant (mutated gene on autosomes) Autosomal recessive
X-linked dominant (mutated gene on X chromosome)
X-linked recessive
Y-linked (mutated gene on Y chromosome)
Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease
homozygous recessive?
An unaffected person can carry the deletion in one of their gene copies.
If an individual has two defective gene copies, then they will develop the disease.
Monogenic Autosomal Recessive
The child receives an allele from the father and mother, the allele can be normal or mutated. If an individual has one normal allele and one mutated recessive allele, they are a carrier of the disorder.
Two recessive alleles are needed for the disorder to be seen in the phenotype
Males and females are equally affected.
Typically often no family history.
Autosomal recessive disorders
Examples (6)
Cystic Fibrosis Sickle cell anaemia Spinal Muscular Atrophy Phenylketonuria (PKU) Tay-Sachs disease Meckel-Gruber Syndrome
Autosomal Dominant
how many faulty genes?
parents needed to have it?
chance of passing trait?
one faulty gene copy is enough to cause disease in an autosomal dominant inherited condition
Only one parent needs to carry the mutated allele.
An autosomal dominant trait is expressed in heterozygotes (dD).
Usually the mutant homozygotes are lethal (DD).
So an alteration in only one gene is sufficient to cause the disorder.
Males are equally affected as females
An affected heterozygote has a 1 in 2 chance of passing the trait on to his or her offspring.
Autosomal Dominant disorders
Examples (6)
Achondroplasia Huntingtons Marfan syndrome Polycystic Kidney Disease Polydactyly Familial hypercholesterolaemia
X-linked recessive
faulty gene located where?
expressed in? carried by?
son of female carrier has how much chance?
daughter of female carrier, chance of being a carrier?
In X-linked conditions the faulty gene copy is located on Chromosome X.
X-linked recessive traits are expressed in male hemizygotes and carried by a female heterozygote.
The son of a female heterozygote has a 1 in 2 chance of being affected.
The daughter of a female heterozygote has a 1 in 2 chance of being a carrier.
When an affected male has children all his daughters will be carriers and none of his sons will be affected.
It is important to remember that X-linked conditions
cannot be passed on from father to son!
X-linked recessive
Can you work out why there is no transmission of disease from father to son?
Affected fathers cannot pass on the disease to a son, because any son would get a Y-chromosome from their father.
X-linked recessive – most common situation
3 key features?
This is how X-linked recessive most commonly presents:
- Only males are affected
- The females are carriers
- There is no male to male transmission
X-linked recessive – the more rare situation of an affected father having children with a carrier mother
chance of both parents passing on gene?
Same situation as with autosomal recessive inheritance, i.e. 1:4 chance both parents pass on their faulty chromosome X.
The affected daughter will develop the disease as her affected brother.
Examples of X-linked recessive disorders
4 examples?
Red-Green colour blindness
This occurs in 8% of males and 0.4% of females.
Duchenne Becker muscular dystrophy (DBMD)
occurs in approximately 1 in 3,500 male births, and in about 1 in 50,000,000 female births.
Haemophilia A and B
Hemophilia affects males much more frequently (1 in 10,000) than females (1 in 100,000,000).
X-linked ichthyosis
Could not find any prevalence figures for female, but it is 1 in 10,000 for males.
X-linked dominant
affacetd fathers? 2 key features
how is a male affected?
chance of affected mother passing on gene to son and daughter?
As with autosomal dominant disease, in X-linked dominant disease you only need one faulty gene copy to be affected.
Therefore, women as well as men can be affected.
However, affected fathers still do not pass on the condition to their sons, but all their daugthers will be affected.
If a male is affected, it is because he has inherited the faulty gene copy from his mother.
An affected mother has a 50% chance of passing on the faulty gene to both sons and daughters.
Examples of X-linked dominant disorders
Cranio-fronto-nasal dysplasia Hypophosphataemic Rickets (males usually have a more severe phenotype than females)
X-linked dominant (XLD)
on a pedigree
average affected with affected female?
affected father?
For any of these X-linked dominant disorders, if you draw out a pedigree after taking a family history, you can see how the condition is expressed in males and females.
With an affected female, on average half her sons and half her daughters will be affected.
An affected male will transmit XLD trait to all his daughters but NONE of his sons.
Remember, father to son excludes any X-Linked inheritance!!
X-linked dominant / male lethal
if no men or less men than female? meaning?
Sometimes the condition is so bad that if you do not have a normal Chromosome X, it would be fatal.
In this pedigree is it indicated that there were pregnancies that never survived to term and one could speculate that those were males.
This is not an uncommon pattern in X-linked dominant diseases.
Look carefully at this pedigree, there are no affected males, only affected females. Living females outnumber living males two to one when the mother is affected