Introduction to Fundamentals of Accounting Flashcards
Why is accounting considered the oldest profession?
Used in prehistoric times by families to account the inventory of their produce and when they exchanged and bartered produce.
This historical piece accounts for commercial transaction in 2250 BC.
The Code of Hammurabi from Egypt
Record keeping was necessary for the government to sustain order to this.
Advent of taxation
The business cradle of Europe where the “double entry system” was practiced and invented.
What does the “double entry system” state?
That at least two items are affected in a transaction. At least one is credited and one debited.
Father of Accounting
Fra Luca Pacioli
This figure was a friend of Leonardo da Vinci and was born in 1445, Tuscany.
Fra Luca Pacioli
Fra Luca Pacioli published what book in what year that dealt with record keeping and double-entry accounting.
Summa / Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni, et Proportionalita in 1494
Fra Luca Pacioli’s book also introduced three books involved in the accoutning process.
- Memorandum Book
- Journal Book
- Ledger Book
The memorandum book contains what?
All information on transactions in NARRATIVE form.
This book contains the original entry and has a certain rule
Journal Book; debit should be equal to total credit
This book contains the final entry and does what?
Ledger book; summarizes the transactions per account
What are the other apporoaches that serve as evidence to the development of accounting?
- Florentine Approach
- Venetian Approach
- Savary Commercial Code
- Napoleonic Commerical code
- Napoleonic-Savary Compromise
- Schmalenbach
Florentine Approach
Each transaction should result in at lease one account credited and one debited, with total debits equal to total credits.
Known as journal entries
Venetian Approach
Accounts are in bilateral form, with debits on the left and credits on the right.
Known as ledger postings.