Introduction To Forensic Science Flashcards
Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of senators. A physician determined that among the twenty-three wounds suffered, only one was fatal. What year?
44 BC
Who is called the father of forensic science?
Archimedes (287-212BC)
Which century was medical men being employed in Germanic and Slavic communities?
The 5th century saw the introduction of medical men being employed in Germanic and Slavic communities in Europe to discover and determine death.
What did we se being used for the first time in the 6th century?
What is “Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified” by Song Ci?
Written in 1247. It is the first written records of forensics being used to solve crimes.
Bartolomeo da Varignana performed an autopsy on the body of an Italian nobleman who was believed to have been murdered. What year?
14th century, 1302
1348-1350 Holiness pope Clement VI gave the order for autopsies, in the hope of finding a possible cure, to be carried out on some of the victims from what decease?
The Black Plague.
In what year, and what items were used to identify the French Duke of Burgundy’s remains?
1447 - Missing teeth were used to identify him.
What century saw a rise in the interest in the causes of death, when a French army surgeon would dissect and examine organs of men killed in battle?
The 16th Century. Ambroise Pare was the surgeon and he wanted to determine cause of death and how the organs reacted to such a demise.
Fortunato Fidelis and Paolo Zacchia, two Italian surgeons, provided the basis for what?
Modern pathology. They conducted autopsies to study the changes that occur after deaths caused by diseases.
The Dutch optician Zacharias Jansen developed the optical microscope (which was a single lens) in 1590. What else did he invent?
The compound microscope, which was capable of 9x magnification.
What is the stereoscopic microscope?
A microscope which has dual eye pieces plus double lenses with prisms, and enables the user to see a three-dimensional image.
What is the comparison microscope?
It is similar to the stereoscopic, as it has two lenses with individual prisms that enables the user to examine two images next to each other.
Several books and papers were published in the 17th century, including the book “A Treatise on Forensic Medicine and Public Health” written by which French doctor?
Doctor Fodér.
Which German doctor published “The Complete System of Police Medicine?
Doctor Johann Peter.
François Demelle published a paper on what?
The first dissertation on systematic document examination to determine handwriting, inks and authenticity.