Introduction to finance Flashcards
If you were to set up a new business manufacturing pine furniture, what resources
would you need?
To set up your new business, you would need fixed assets or fixed capital such as
premises, machinery, tools, computers etc, which will last for many years, as well as
working capital such as stocks of wood, nails, varnish etc, which will be used up in
production and sold.
How would you raise the finance to set up your new business?
You might contribute some of your own savings to the business; you might ask friends
and family to contribute their savings; and/or you might ask the bank for a loan. If you
set up as a company, you would sell shares. To help you buy your stocks of materials
you might ask suppliers to give you credit.
We will study the various ways that you could set up your business (eg sole trader,
partnership, company) in Chapter 2 and we will look at the various ways of financing
the business in Chapter 2 and Chapter 4.
What is the role of financial management in an organisation? Why is it important?
Why is it difficult?
Financial management involves making careful choices in the raising of finance (the
financing decision) and in the investment of this finance in real assets (the capital
budgeting decision). It is very important because a wrong decision could have very
serious consequences for the business. It is also very difficult because there are often
many options to choose from and the outcomes from any of the options are subject to
great uncertainty. There are many factors to consider and it is important that the financial
team gathers all the available information and examines the options objectively and
Real assets are distinguished from financial assets, such …..?
as shares or bonds.
Real assets can be tangible assets, such as ________, or intangible assets such as ________, ___________, and brand names.
Real assets can be tangible assets, such as machinery and buildings, or intangible assets such as goodwill, trademarks, and brand names.
To acquire real assets, companies need to raise finance by issuing financial assets such as ______________________________
shares or bonds.
Financial managers are responsible for ______________ and financing decisions and act as a link between the firm’s operations and the ________________
Financial managers are responsible for major investment and financing decisions and act as a link between the firm’s operations and the financial markets.
Companies aim to increase the value of their shares by______________(Finance and Company Objectives:)
investing in profitable projects and raising finance in a cost-effective way.
The ____________ decision considers the choice of projects in which the firm should invest.
capital budgeting
Firms undertake projects that generate __________and incur __________.
Firms undertake projects that generate revenues and incur costs.
The objective is to undertake projects for which _________exceed the __________to generate _____________for the shareholders.
The objective is to undertake projects for which revenues exceed the costs to generate profits for the shareholders.
The financial manager is responsible for two main questions:
2. _____-
1.what real assets the firm should invest in and 2. how the cash for investment should be raised.
The capital budgeting decision is the remit of the ___________
The capital budgeting decision is the remit of the controller or the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
The ____________looks after the company’s cash, raises new capital and maintains relationships with banks, shareholders and other investors.
The treasurer looks after the company’s cash, raises new capital and maintains relationships with banks, shareholders and other investors.
_____________and treasurer roles are sometimes performed by the same individual.
CFO and treasurer roles are sometimes performed by the same individual.
Responsibility for financial decisions ultimately rests with __________
the board of directors.
Importance of Capital Budgeting:
Capital budgeting is essential due to the complexity of ____________and the _____________
Importance of Capital Budgeting:
Capital budgeting is essential due to the complexity of analysis and the cost of poor decisions.
It is difficult to project prospective ______________ arising from a particular project.
cash flows
Investment in working capital involves few ___and _____.
Investment in working capital involves few complications and risks.
Investment in fixed capital often involves ________between various investment options.
Investment in fixed capital often involves complex choices between various investment options.
Financial analysis is a key tool for making _______ and_________.
Financial analysis is a key tool for making informed and sensible investment decisions.
Financial analysis can delineate the risks involved in a project and highlight the factors that lead to the greatest ___________.
Financial analysis in capital budgeting involves bringing together estimates and ideas from various disciplines such as___.
marketing, technology, accounting, tax, and law to reveal their financial implications.
Financial analysis in capital budgeting requires the input of ___________ for an in-depth analysis of a project.
experts from each of these disciplines
The problems of capital budgeting in any enterprise are both financial and ________ and leaving the investment appraisal of a project to the department primarily interested in the project can lead to impossible objectivity.
All decisions are ultimately made by ____________ who are not always ________and _________.
All decisions are ultimately made by human beings who are not always impartial and objective.
The use of a specialist finance function is an attempt to enforce _________and ___________.
The use of a specialist finance function is an attempt to enforce impartiality and realism.
However, the finance function may lack ________ particular project under consideration, which could be a possible downside.
However, the finance function may lack specialist knowledge of the particular project under consideration, which could be a possible downside.