Introduction to Engineering geology Flashcards
Physical geology
Physical geology aims at the proper understanding of the physical forces and processes which mould the surface of the globe through their ceaseless action through ages.
Historical geology
Historical geology, traces the evolution of the earth.
Palaeontology is that branch of geology which deals with the mode of preservation of remains of plants and animals, in the form of fossils, within the rock-bed.
Mineralogy is that branch of geology which deals with the study of minerals.
Crystallography deals with the study of the crystals.
Petrology, the science of the rock, investigates on the nature of the rocks, their mode of formation.
Structural geology
Structural geology is to study and interpret the structures found in rock masses (like fold, fault, joint, unconformity)
Hydrogeology (hydro- meaning water, and -geology meaning the study of the Earth) is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth’s crust (commonly in aquifers).
Geophysics, involving geology, physics and mathematics, deals with to exploration of the subsurface.
Geochemistry deals with the chemical analysis and evolution of the rock and minerals.
Economic geology
Economic geology deals with the occurrence of deposits of rocks and minerals of economic importance.
Geomorphology deals with the form and morphology of the earth surface.
the principles and methods of geology for the purpose of civil engineering
- The study of raw materials e.g. aggregates etc.
- The study of the geological characteristics of the immediate area where engineering operations are to be carries out e.g. ground-water characteristics. the load bearing capacity, the stability of slope, the excavation problems etc. (Rock mechanics).
IAEG(International Association of Engineering geology)definition
Engineering geology, is defined in the statues of the IAEG as the science devoted to the investigation, study and solution of engineering and environmental problems which may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the works or activities of man, as well as of the prediction of the and development of measures for the prevention or remediation of geological hazards.
Engineering geology has much more scope over the civil engineering:
- The natural processes influence how the structural and other development occurs. The suitability of locations for development, their design and cost are related to the effect of natural processes.
- Because, structures and development can alter natural processes creating change that may be undesirable. Changes in stream channel bed elevations and other channel characteristics below dams are an example of a natural processes changed.
- The geological structures such as thrusts, faults, folds, joints etc play vital role not only on increasing the cost but also on collapsing the engineering projects hence carried out great loss of lives and property.