Introduction to development; Human genetic Flashcards
1. Be able to define the terms cytogenetics, molecular genetics, epigenetics, gene, allele, loci, genotype, phenotype (trait), homozygous, heterozygous, somatic, germline, de novo, diploid, haploid, chromosome, autosome, chromatid, monogenic, polygenic. 2. Be able to describe the difference between a mutation, a polymorphism and a risk allele. 3. Be able to define the terms Mendelian inheritance, dominant, recessive, allele segregation and independent assortment.
What are the 3 Mendel Laws?
- Law of dominance
- Law of segregation
- Law of independent assortment
What did the Law of dominance say?
The law says if there are two differing alleles at a a locus, then the dominant allele determines the organism’s phenotype and the recessive allele has no noticeable effect. (This is mostly true…)

What does the Law of Segregation say?
Two alleles that can be inherited, seperate randomly during gamete formation and end up in different gametes.

What does the law of independent assortment say?
Each pair of alleles seperate independent of another pair of alleles during gamete formation (i.e one trait cannot be inherited with another trait). This is mostly true…

What is the gerrmline?
Cell line from which gametes are developed. Germ cells are set aside in the embryo, migrate to developing gonads and undergo cell division and differentiation to sperm and ova
Is a zygote diploid or haploid?
Zygote is diploid, 23 paternal + 23 maternal chr

Are gametes haploid or diploid?
Gametes are haploid, 23 chr. Diploid organisms can produce 2n different gametes (223 = 8 388 608)

What does phenotype mean?

The expression of alleles of a gene carried by a organism

What does genotype mean?

The combination of alleles of a gene carried by an organism (e.g AA or Cc)

What does loci mean?

Specific positions of alleles/genes on a chromosome
What does “alleles” mean?

Different versions of a gene. Dominant alleles =capital letter. Recessive alleles =lowercase letter

What is cytogenetics?
Structure, properties and behaviour of chromosomes
What do karyotypes do and how can they be used in diagnostics?
Used to determine chromosome number and structure. Can detect copy number aberrations and large structural rearrangement (e.g in cancer cells)

How is the line between cytogenetics and molecular genetics blurring?
Molecular methods can detect cytogenetic abnormalities. E.g microarry for submicroscopic deletions and duplications
What is “molecular genetics” the study of?
Studies structure & function of genes at a molecular level
Uses molecular biology & genetics
Inter-relationship between DNA, RNA & synthesis of
Tests typically DNA- or RNA- based
What is epigenetics?
Heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence.
= Change in phenotype without change in genotype.
What factors can epigenetics be influenced by?
Age, environment,lifestyle, disease state
How can an organism be influenced by factors such as age or environment to result in a change in phenotype without a change in genotype?
Epigenetics- Despite all nucleated cells containing the same complement of DNA, each cell type expresses a different complement of genes – turning genes on and off in different tissues, developmental time points and/or in response to stimuli.
What is an example of an epigenetic modification?
Some examples of epigenetic modification include DNA methylation (often associated with gene silencing) and histone modification – neither changes the DNA sequence, but both change the way the gene is expressed.
What are some examples of single gene/Mendelian disorders?
Down syndrome
Cystic fibrosis
Sickle cell disease

What are some examples of complex genetic diseases?
Diabetes (type 2)
Alzheimer’s disease
Cardiovascular disease

What are some environmental diseases?
Allergies and asthma

What is a germline mutation?
Can be passed on to offspring (all cells - any tissue from
that patient can be sampled for genetic testing).
Genetic predisposition to certain cancers (e.g.
What is somatic mutation?
Not inherited
Mutation will only be in affected cells, not all tissues
Accumulation of somatic mutations in DNA over time — causes cancer
What are de novo mutations?
De novo = new. A variant that arises in the germ cell
or the fertilized egg early in development. The variant
is not present in the parent but is present for the first
time in their offspring.
Human traits are either:
Monogenic: controlled by a single gene (Mendelian traits)
- Change in 1 gene sufficient for disease
- 1 gene -> 1 disease or multiple diseases (pleitrophic)
- Multiple genes -> same disorder (heterogeneity)
- Not influenced by environment
Polygenic: controlled by many genes (Complex traits)
- Can involve changes in 1000’s of genes acting in combination
- are influenced by the environment
- Cardiovascular disease, Schizophrenia, height
What is OMIN?
A database- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM):
>16,112 genes
>6,452 phenotypes described, molecular basis known
>3,000 phenotype/locus, molecular basis unknown
Single gene disorders are often cause by:
Mutations (rare in population)
For complex diseases we are often dealing with:
polymorphisms (common in the population >1% frequency). Once a polymorphisms has been linked with or associated with a complex disease it is called a risk allele. On it’s own it does not cause disease, but contributes a small increase in risk of developing disease. (example?)
What is an example of a risk allele?
Example: Risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is
modified by the copy number of the a mutation in the Factor V gene, termed Factor V Lieden (FVL).
Population risk of DVT = 1/1000
Risk if you are heterozygous for FVL = 1/200.
About 5% of Caucasians are FVL heterozygous
Risk if you are homozygous for FVL = 1/20
The relative risk of developing a DVT seems high but the absolute risk of having a DVT is still quite low. Having the variant doesn’t guarantee you will have a DVT, but you have an increased risk compared to the general population.
Why is gene expression fundamental to cell differentiation and development?
We go from 2 haploid germ cells to a whole organism. Cells have to differentiate. Each somatic cell (except a few) has same DNA but express different RNA and protein. Gene expression and its regulation is fundamental to this and cell differentiation.
Why is transcriptional regulation important?
- Basic biology- new insights into human development and regulation (can be used for novel application)
- Genetic diagnosis: enables us to pinpoint the cause when things go wrong
- New treatments for disease: insights to cause and pathobiology of disease enables the rational design of treatment which target the underlying molecular mechanism.
Explain why very few mutations occur?
DNA is stable, near perfect fidelity but mistakes do happen- causing mutations and evolution

The central dogma:
(The same genes are present in (almost) every somatic cell type BUT each cell type is very different. Each cell type expresses a unique set of genes)

Give two examples of proteins/enzymes that are only expressed in certain cells due to gene expression in different cell types.
- Beta-actin= major component of cytoskeleton. Expressed in all cells (housekeeping gene)
Enzyme Tyrosine aminotransferase. Expressed in Liver Hepatocytes not others
(In order to precisely turn on and off the correct sets of genes for each cell type, gene expression is regulated at many levels.)

Differential gene expression from the same nuclear repertoire is accomplished by regulation at several levels. What are these six ways?
- Transcriptional control
- RNA processing control
- RNA transport and localisation control
- Translation control
- mrna degradation control
- protein activity control

What are some factors influencing gene expression
(cell-cell contact, hormones morphogènes- man are TF factors)
- Transcription factors
- (often synthesised in response to external stimuli )
- (two main categories)- general or cell/tissue specific
What are transcription factors?
- A transcription factor is a protein that binds to the regulatory element (e.g promoter or enhancer or both) of a gene to either contribute to activation or repression of that gene.
During development, TFs can act in hierarchical cascades to direct appropriate lineage restriction.

What are the modes of action of transcription factors?
- Feed Forward
- Single input
- Simple cascade
What are master regulators?
- Key drivers of of particular cell fates ( e.g Myod- master regulator for muscle cells)
- Often act by activating the transcription of additional key transcription factors, thereby initiating a cascade of transcriptional events
- can also be auto-regulatory - they promote their own transcription which reinforces and strengthens the commitment to the specific lineage they regulate.
Give an example of when transcriptional regulation could go wrong
During development transcriptional program must strike a balance between proliferation and differentiation
Mutation in MYOD1 causes embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma!
• MYOD1 Leu122Arg mutant binds to MYOD1 consensus
sites but does not activate transcription, thereby competing
with wild-type MYOD1 and preventing differentiation
• The Leu122Arg mutant also makes MYOD1 more similar to
MYC (another transcription factor in the same family, which
is associated with increased proliferation) and a shift to a
MYC-like transcriptional program is observed
Master regulators are highly conserved. These master regulatory circuits are frequently highly conserved. Give an example of this:

Pax-6 gene.

Transcriptional control is considered the primary means by which gene expression is regulated. But Transcription is also regulated at various levels. Name these:
1, Availability/concertation/localisation of TFs
- Competition between positive and negative regulatory factors
- Local chromatin conformation (and epigenetics)
- Large-scale chromatin conformation
- The nuclear architecture
The promoter integrates all the internal and external signals to determine the probability that the gene will be transcribed.
Demonstration of transcription factor availability:

Rapid translocation of a calcium responsive transcription factor NFATc1 within minutes of addition of ionomycin which increases calcium concerntration in the cell.

Eukaryotic genes are controlled by combinations of transcription factors binding to DNA binding sites (cis-elements ) in the promoter and other regulatory regions called “Combinatorial control”. This is dependent on:
- The DNA sequence present
- The transcription factors present
- The interactions between regulatory proteins

Transcription is also regulated by chromatin architecture. Explain how this works

Before TFs can bind to the DNA and exert their regulatory function, they must first be able to access the DNA i.e the chromatin must be in an open conformation
The position of histone proteins relative to the DNA sequence can influence the ability of a TF to bind to DNA

Chromatin conformation is also regulated at many levels!
Local: Enhancer-promoter looping, boundary elements, epigenetics
Large-scale: Topologically Associating Domains (TADs), Nuclear positioning (chromosome territories)

3D chromosome architecture
Larger scale (Megabases) loops also form which cluster genes into different compartment called Topologically Associating Domains (TAD)
Within a single TAD, multiple enhancer -promoter loops can form. Few interactions are observed between TADs
Tad boundaries prevent the spread of epigenetic marks between TADs

What are chromosome territories?

TADs are organised within the nucleus into active and repressed compartments and chromosomes are organised into territories.

Why is 3D structure of the chromatin important?
Important to restrict which enhancers can come into contact with which genes at specific times during development and in specific locations in the developing embryo. Tu ensure the correct pattern of gene expression in each cell.
It is now becoming recognised in that mutations in enhancers and regulatory regions also cause disease- not just mutations in protein-coding sequences. ( E.g 3D chromatin architecture and limb morphogenesis)
Describe the example where alteration in 3D chromatin architecture can result in limb malformation?

• The Pitx1 transcription factor is important in limb
- Expression of Pitx1 is controlled by an enhancer (Pen)
- Pitx1 is expressed only in the hindlimbs
• But the enhancer Pen is active in both forelimbs and
- In forelimbs, Pitx1 and Pen are physically separated
- In hindlimbs, Pitx1 and Pen are in physical proximity
- If you invert the chromosomal region containing the Pen enhancer, Pitx1 is expressed in forelimbs
- This causes the forelimb to develop morphological characteristics of the hindlimb
This mimics a human condition, Liebenberg syndrome, in which bones and other tissues in the elbows, forearms, wrists, and hands have characteristics of related structures in the lower limbs. Human patients have a deletion next to Pen which disrupts chromatin organisation at the Pitx1 locus

What are the requirements for gene expression?
- Transcription factor/s transcribed in response to stimuli
- Transcription factor/s activated/transported to the nucleus in
response to stimuli - Large chromosomal segment containing target gene/s is
sequestered into an active chromosomal territory - MB sized chromosomal segment containing target gene/s is
localised within an ‘active’ TAD - Within the ‘active’ TAD, histone modifications are deposited
on local chromatin and regulatory regions becomes
accessible - Permissive enhancer-promoter looping brings regulatory
regions together - If the correct combination of transcription factors assembles
on the gene promoter and enhancer/s transcription may
Gene expression is a symphony
• Within a specific cellular niche, extracellular signals
are transmitted to the nucleus
• large functional units of chromatin are sequestered to
the edge of the cell or located in active territories close
to the centre of the nucleus, MB sized TADs
compartmentalise and organise sets of genes to direct
specific expression of lineage-driving factors that
subsequently act at sets of specific promotors to
activate lineage-appropriate genes and repress
alternative cell fates.
• From the whole cell to each individual molecule within
it, the coordination and precision is astounding.