Introduction to development Flashcards
Changes in behaviour over a function of time or age
This can be across or within age groups
Ways of defining development (The 4 Ps)
The change has to include these 4 aspects:
The change should cause an individuals entire outlook on the world to shift/change
Changes are not easily/cannot be reversed
The change occurs in a positive direction and makes you better
(not all psychologists agree on this view)
The change affects all areas of life
Cannot just study one developmental domain you have to see development as a whole
Developmental psychology
The study of the mind and behaviour.
Links quite obviously with many other areas of psychology.
Focuses on both the why and how of how the mind and behaviour change.
Empirical reasons to study development
Allow for comparative studies to other species (understanding our relationship to animals)
Understand the roles of early experience in how we develop as adults
Philosophical reasons to study development
Help answer questions like “what do humans bring into the world?” and “What does this tell us about what it means to be human?”
How can consciousness develop from inanimate matter
Practical reasons to study development
Research findings can inform:
Advice to give to parents
Developmental difficulty interventions and treatments
Teaching practice
Educational policies
History of perspectives on development (Plato)
Believed all ideas and behaviours are innate
We are born with a blue print
Development is discovering what is already known
History of perspectives on development (Descartes)
Nativism, mind and body dualism
We are born with certain functions that we just develop into but they are already present
History of perspectives on development (Rousseau)
The child is innately ‘good’
develops according to nature’s plans (nativism)
The environment has no impact on development
History of perspectives on development (Locke)
Tabula Rasa
Everything the child develops is from the environment
The child is a blank slate that is shaped by the world
Emergence of scientific discipline in development research
Darwin used systematic observations to study the development of his son.
Wrote findings in Biological sketch of an infant
History of perspectives on development (Darwin)
Development is a progressive adaptation to the environment
Leads back to biological origins of human nature (Genetic and evolutionary inheritance)
Gave rise to stage theories and recapitulationism
Recapitulation theory (Haeckel’s maxim)
Theory that stages of embryonic development mirror the morphological stages of evolutionary development characteristics of a species
“Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”
Ideas have led to misinterpretations (Hall’s evolutionary hierarchy)
Main contributions from Darwin
Idea of development as progressive adaptation to the environment
Systematic methods (no reliance on anecdotal evidence)
Biological origins on human nature
Nature and Nurture
Whether development is innate or influenced/determined by the environment