Introduction to Cytogenetics Flashcards
Deals with the study of heredity, how organisms pass on information in their genes to create new generations of the same specie, or variation of the original.
Suggested that the physical characteristics of organisms are stored in the male semen.
Augustinian monk
Gregor Mendel (Johann Mendel)
What Gregor Mendel (Johann Mendel) used for his experiment because of its short growing period.
Pea Plant (Pisum Sativum)
He observed and followed easily observable characteristics of the plant up to two generations a year.
Gregor Mendel (Johann Mendel)
What year did Mendel presented his findings to the Natural History Society of Brunn
True or False :
During 19th century, scientist accepted the “Blending theory”
Is an organism that makes it easy for a researcher to investigate a particular scientific question, such as how traits are inherited.
Model system
True or false :
Mendel studied the inheritance of eight different features in peas, including height, flower color, seed color, and seed shape.
False (SEVEN different Features in peas)
A particular trait, a pair of allele separate and only one allele passes from parent to offspring
The Principle of Segregation
Describes how different genes independently separate from one another when reproductive cells develop.
Principle of Independent Assortment
Dominant refers to the relationship between two versions of a gene.
Dominant Gene
Individuals receive two versions of each gene, known as _____, from each parent.
True or False :
If the alleles of a gene are different, one allele will be expressed, it is the dominant gene
The effect of the other allele
Recessive Gene
Other Type of Genetic Dominance :
Both alleles affect the trait additively, and the phenotype of the heterozygote shows a typical intermediate between the homozygotes, which is often referred to as a blended phenotype.
Incomplete Dominance/ Semi-dominance
Other Type of Genetic Dominance :
Plants with alleles for red petals (RR) when crossed with a plant with alleles for white petals (rr) have offspring that have pink petals (Rr)
Other Type of Genetic Dominance :
alleles for color in carnation flowers (and many other species) exhibit incomplete dominance.
Other Type of Genetic Dominance :
If a child receives the A blood type from one parent and the B blood type from the other, he will be type AB
Mixed Dominance
when a parent passes down a condition to a child via autosomes, a type of chromosome
Autosomal inheritance
True or False :
In Recessive inheritance, a copy of a faulty gene from one parent can cause a condition in the child. The child will have 50% chance of inheriting the faulty gene.
False (it is Autosomal inheritance)
These conditions stem from gene variants on the X chromosome, which determines sex.
X-linked Dominant
True or False :
Males have two X chromosome, so inheriting one copy of the variant gene causes the condition.
False (Males have only one X chromosome)
True or False :
In females, who have two X chromosomes, the symptoms may be less severe
True or false :
Only males can pass on X-linked disorders.
False (Only Females)
As with X-linked dominant, inheriting one copy of the variant gene causes the condition in males. However, in females, two copies of the variant gene are necessary to cause the condition.
X-linked Recessive
These conditions stem from variants on the X chromosome, but they are not clearly dominant or recessive.
These conditions stem from variants on the Y chromosome
True or false :
Only males have a Y chromosome, so these conditions pass from a male parent to a male child.
Used the fruit fly in his research
Thomas Hunt Morgan
What Thomas Hunt Morgan used fruit fly in his research
Drosophila Melanogaster
When :
Historic development was the double helix structure of DNA
coined the word “genetics” for the first time.
William Bateson
made significant findings on genetic linkages
Bateson and Punnett
used equilibrium density gradient centrifugation to conclude DNA replication is semi-conservative
Meselson and Stahl
When :
Meselson and Stahl used equilibrium density gradient centrifugation to conclude DNA replication is semi-conservative.
PCR was developed by
Fred Sanger
When :
PCR was developed by Fred Sanger
the first ever cloned animal from an adult somatic cell.
Dolly the sheep
When :
”Dolly the sheep” was born, being the first ever cloned animal from an adult somatic cell.
was the 1st pet to be cloned.
Cc the Cat