Introduction to CBVs Flashcards
Code for adding class-based views to your apps file?
code for calling nothing but a template using class based views.
explain what **kwargs and *args means.
prepares a function to accept an arbitrary number of args of kwargs.
Code for injecting content into a cbv.
what model field class is for the input of positive whole numbers
In a class based view, what line of code provides you with a list of all the information contained in a model?
model = models.School
line of code for assigning a template to a cbv.
template_name = ‘basic_app/school_detail.html’
how do you change the context object name in the view function?
context_object_name = ‘schools’
ListView returns …
DetailView returns …
An example of a line of code that relates a list of objects to a ForeignKey
path() function in that links a view to an the id of a model.
how do you reference a specific instance of a model’s cbv as a link
What does CRUD stand for?
- Create
- Retreat
- Update
- Delete
url pattern for the CreateView cbv.
for the CreateView cbv, what template name does django automatically look for?
the name of the model being created underscore form.html
explain this block of html code?
{% if not %}
Create School
{% else %}
Update School
{% endif %}
- check if the instance of the primary key exists or not
- if it does not print “Create School”
- else print “Update School”
what goes into the get_absolute_url() method?
14 - go to the detail view of the school you just made
14 - using the pk of the school you just created.
| , kwargs={‘pk’}) |
(reverse(“basic_app:detail” |
what attributes need to be defined in the SchoolCreateView?
What does success_url = reverse_lazy(“basic_app:list”) do?
- what to do upon successful deletion
- dont execute this code immediately, only when the deletion of the object has been confirmed.
When does the get_absolute_url() method need to be present in a models code?
when you have a view that uses the CreateView class, django needs to know where to take the user upon creating that new model.