Introduction to business Flashcards
Drawback of a grant

Role of an entrepreneur

Role of an entrepreneur however

Benefit of a grant

Drawback of trade credit

Entrepreneurial Motives and Characteristics
- Communication
- Team working
- Problem-solving
- Organisation,
- Numeracy
- Information technology.
- Creativity
- Hard working
- Resilience
- Initiative
- Self-confidence
- Risk taking
Creativity is one important characteristic of an entrepreneur.

Benefit of trade credit

Product Orientation - Benefit

Product Orientation Drawback

benefit of leasing

Market Orientation Benefit

Drawback of leasing

drawback of overdrafts

benefit of overdrafts

drawback of share capital

benefit of share capital

drawback of loans

benefit of loans

drawback of crowd-funding

benefit of crowdfunding

drawback venture capital

Primary Research Benefit

Primary Research Drawback

Secondary Research Benefit

Secondary Research Drawback

Quantitative Data Benefit

peer to peer drawback

peer to peer benefit

Quantitative Data Drawback

family and friends drawback

Qualitative Data Benefit

family and friends benefit

Qualitative Data Drawback

sale of asset drawback
sale of asset benefit

retained profit drawback

retained profit benefit

owners capital drawback

Market Segmentation Benefit

Market segmentation Drawback

owners capital benefit

limited liability drawback

- Importance of design mix – aesthetic/function

limited liability benefit

- Drawback of prioritising element of the design mix – aesthetic/function

- Importance of design mix – economic manufacture

franchisee drawback

- Drawback of prioritising economic manufacture

benefit franchisee

- Changes in the elements of the design mix to reflect social trends – must adapt to relevant social trend from extract - Benefit

franchisor drawback

franchisor benefit

- Changes in the elements of the design mix to reflect social trends – must adapt to relevant social trend from extract -
- Drawback

PLC drawback

- Concern over resource depletion: designing for waste minimisation, re-use and recycling, ethical sourcing

LTD drawback

LTD benefit

partnership drawback

partnership benefit

sole trader drawback

Concern over resource depletion drawback

Sales forecasting – benefit

Sales forecasting drawback

cashflow forecast drawback

Break-even =
Fixed costs ÷ Contribution per unit
Contribution per unit =
Selling price per unit – Variable cost per unit
Total contribution =
Contribution per unit x Number of units sold
Margin of safety =
Actual output – break even output
Improving the break-even point
- Reduce fixed costs
Eg. Move to a smaller premises, reduce marketing budget, reduce staff wages/make redundancies
- Reduce variable costs (higher contribution per unit)
Eg. Switch to a cheaper supplier
- Increase selling price (higher contribution per unit)
cashflow forecast benefit

Adapting to Break-even as the ‘hook’ in a question…….

drawback business plan

benefit of business plan

Break-even is not useful because..

break-even is useful because…