Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Flashcards
Course 2 / 10
What is AI?
- Anything that makes machines act more intelligently.
- Teaching machines to learn, think, and act as humans would.
- AI is the application of computing to help machines solve problems in intelligent ways without humans having to hard code the desired outcomes manually
How should you think of AI?
AI should be thought of as augmented intelligence. AI should not replace human experts but merely extend their capabilities by doing things that humans or machines could not do on their own.
What is innate intelligence?
Innate intelligence is the intelligence that governs every activity in our bodies. For example, this intelligence is what causes an oak tree to grow out of a little seed.
How does AI learn?
Machines are provided with the ability to examine and create machine learning models.
This is done in various ways such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning.
What can AI be described by?
Strength, breadth, and application.
What is weak or narrow AI?
This is AI that is applied to a specific domain. For example, language translators, self-driving cars, and recommendation engines.
Applied AI can perform specific tasks, but not learn new ones, making decisions based on programmed algorithms and training data.
What is strong or generalised AI?
This is AI that can interact and operate a wide variety of independent and unrelated tasks.
It can learn new tasks to solve new problems, and it does this by teaching itself new strategies.
Generalised intelligence is the combination of many AI strategies that learn from experience and can perform at a human level of intelligence.
What is Super AI or Conscious AI?
This is AI with human-level consciousness, which would require it to be self-aware.
Because we are not yet able to adequately define what consciousness is, it is unlikely we will be able to create Super AI in the near future.
How is AI multi-disciplinary?
- Computer Science and Electrical Engineering determine how AI is implemented in software and hardware.
- Mathematics and Statistics determine viable models and measure performance.
- Because AI is modelled on how the human brain works, psychology and linguistics play an essential role in understanding how AI might work.
- Philosophy provides guidance on ethical considerations and intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence vs. Generative AI (GenAI)
Artificial Intelligence is an augmented intelligence that helps experts scale their capabilities while machines handle time-consuming tasks such as recognising speech, playing games, and making decisions.
Generative AI, on the other hand, is an AI technique that can generate new and unique data ranging from images and music to texts and virtual worlds.
How does GenAI differ from conventional AI?
Conventional AI relies on predefined rules and patterns while GenAI uses deep learning techniques and relies on large datasets to generate new data.
Generative AI and LLM
Large Language Model (LLM) is a type of AI that uses deep learning techniques to process and generate natural language.
Generative AI can develop new and powerful LLM algorithms or architectures.
Generative AI can also incorporate LLM into a larger, more advanced AI system.
What are the benefits of Generative AI?
- Creativity and Innovation
- Cost and time savings
- Personalisation
- Scalability
- Robustness
- Exploration of new possibilities
What are some use cases for GenAI?
- Healthcare and precision medicine
- GenAI can identify genetic mutations
- Provide personalised treatment options
- Help doctors practice procedures and develop treatments
- Agriculture
- GenAI can optimise crop yields
- Develop new, more resistant crop varieties
- Biotechnology
- Generative AI can aid in the development of new drugs and therapies by:
- identifying potential drug targets
- simulating drug interactions
- forecasting drug efficacy
- Generative AI can aid in the development of new drugs and therapies by:
- Forensics
- Generative AI can help solve crimes by:
- analysing DNA evidence
- identifying suspects
- Generative AI can help solve crimes by:
- Environmental conservation
- Generative AI can support the protection of endangered species by:
- analysing genetic data and suggesting breeding and conservation strategies
- Generative AI can support the protection of endangered species by:
- Creative
- Generative AI can produce unique digital art, music, and video content for:
- advertising and marketing campaigns
- and generate soundtracks for films and video games
- Generative AI can produce unique digital art, music, and video content for:
- Gaming
- Generative AI can create interactive game worlds and
- generate new characters, levels, and objects in real-time
How does AI mean different things to different people?
For a video game designer, AI means affecting the way bots play or how the environment adapts to the player; whereas for a data scientist, AI is a way of exploring and classifying data to meet specific goals.
What is the reason we are able to talk to virtual assistants such as Alexa and Siri?
It is because of AI algorithms that learn by example. The natural language processing and natural language generation capabilities that come with AI aid our interactions with these virtual assistants so they can talk back to us.
What does Generative AI do?
It enables applications to create, generate, and simulate new content
How does Generative AI work?
It works by leveraging machine learning and deep learning techniques to learn patterns and generate original content
What are some known applications of GenAI?
- GPT-4
- ChatGPT
- Bard
- GitHub CoPilot
How do cognitive systems interpret the information they read?
Cognitive systems use processes similar to the decision-making process of humans to interpret and generate hypotheses about the information they read.
What do cognitive systems rely on to understand the intent and context of a user’s language?
Cognitive systems rely on natural language governed by rules of grammar, context, and culture.
How do cognitive computing systems differ from conventional computing systems?
They differ in that they can:
- Read and interpret unstructured data, understanding not just the meaning of words but also the intent and context in which they are used.
- Reason about problems in a way that humans reason and make decisions.
- Learn over time from their interactions with humans and keep getting smarter.
What are the differences between artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and neural networks?
- artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behaviour
- machine learning is a subset of AI that uses computer algorithms to analyse data and make intelligent decisions based on what it has learned, without being explicitly programmed
- deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses layered neural networks to simulate human decision-making
- neural networks in AI are a small collection of computing units (neurons) that take incoming data and learn to make decisions over time
What behaviours do AI systems seek to demonstrate?
People Love Reading Poems, Kids Pref Magic Marvels, Cats Sing Incredibly
They seek to demonstrate behaviours associated with human intelligence such as:
- planning
- learning
- reasoning
- problem-solving
- knowledge
- perception
- motion
- manipulation
- creativity
- social intelligence
What are some characteristics of machine learning algorithms
- machine learning algorithms are trained with large sets of data
- they learn from examples
- they do not follow rules-based algorithms
What enables machines to solve problems on their own?
Machine learning
What can deep learning algorithms do?
They can label and categorise information and identify patterns.
How does machine learning differ from traditional programming?
- In traditional programming, you have data and create algorithms in order to find answers.
- this algorithm will not change
- In machine learning, you already have the data and the answers and are using that information to create an algorithm.
- What you get at the end is a set of rules that determine what the machine learning model will be.
What does machine learning rely on?
Defining behavioural rules by examining and comparing large data sets to find common patterns.
What is supervised learning?
A type of machine learning where an algorithm is trained on human-labeled data. The more data you provide a supervised learning algorithm, the more precise it becomes in classifying new data.
What is unsupervised learning?
A type of machine learning that relies on giving the algorithm unlabelled data and letting it find patterns by itself. You provide the input, but not labels, and let the machine infer qualities.
What is reinforcement learning?
A type of machine learning that relies on providing a machine learning algorithm with a set of rules and constraints and letting it learn how to achieve its goals. You define the state, the desired goal, allowed actions, and constraints.
What is a machine learning model?
The algorithm used to find patterns in the data without the programmer having to explicitly program these patterns.
What are the three categories of supervised learning?
- Regression
- Classification
- Neural networks
How are regression models built?
By looking at the features - X and the result - Y, where Y is a continuous variable.
Essentially, regression estimates continuous values.
What do neural networks refer to?
Structures that imitate the structure of the human brain.
What is classification?
The process of predicting the class of given data points.
What does classification focus on?
It focuses on discrete values it identifies.
We can define discrete class labels - Y based on many input features - X.
What are some forms of classification?
- Decision trees
- Support vector machines
- Logistics regression
- Random forests
What are features?
Distinctive properties of input patterns that help in determining the output categories or classes of output.
What is the meaning of training, in an ML context?
It refers to using a learning algorithm to determine and develop the parameters of your model.
What do you typically do with data sets in machine learning?
You split them into 3 sets:
1. Training set
2. Validation set
3. Test set
What is the training set for?
It is for training the algorithm
What is the validation set for?
It is used to validate results and fine-tune the algorithm’s parameters
What is the test set for?
It is used to evaluate how good the model works on unseen data.
What does deep learning do?
It layers algorithms to create a neural network, an artificial representation of the structure and functionality of the brain
What does deep learning enable AI systems to do?
Continuously learn on the job and improve the quality and accuracy of results.
How are deep learning algorithms developed?
- Developers and engineers configure the number of layers and the type of functions that connect the outputs of each layer to the inputs of the next
Which older generation issue is fixed by deep learning, and how?
The efficiency and performance of older-generation machine learning algorithms plateau as the datasets grow. Deep learning algorithms plateau continue to improve as they are fed more data.
Which tasks has deep learning proved to be very efficient at?
- Image captioning
- Voice recognition
- Facial recognition
- Medical Imaging
What is the name of the process that neural networks use to learn?
How does backpropagation work?
- backpropagation uses a set of training data that match known inputs to desired outputs
- first, the inputs are plugged into the network, and outputs are determined
- then, an error function determines how far the given output is from the desired output
- finally, adjustments are made in order to reduce errors
What is a collection of neurons called?
A layer
What do layers do?
They take in an input and provide an output.