Introduction to Animal Care Flashcards
Definition: The act of killing hopelessly sick or injured animals in a painless way.
Veterinary Practice Act
Definition: A set of laws that govern veterinary medicine in a particular state.
Veterinary Medical Board
Definition: A group of veterinarians appointed by the governor to oversee a states veterinary medicine.
Commitee on Veterinary Technicain Education and Activites (CVTEA)
Definition An AVMA Commitee that accredits veterinary technology programs
Controlled Substances Act
Definition: A federal law that controls the manufacture, purchase, and distribution of certain medications.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Definition: A division of the Department of Labor. OSHA Enforces laws protecting workers from workplace hazards.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Definition: An agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services that was created to ensure safe and effective food, drugs, and medical devices
Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
Definition: The FDA Branch that monitors the animal health industry, administering the sections of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that pertains to animals.
Animal Welfare Act
Definition: A group of federal laws designed to ensure that laboratory animals receive the best possible care.
Small Animal and Exotics Practice
Definition: A veterinary hospital that treats dogs, cats, and other small pets such as guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, and reptiles.
Definition: The exercise of the Veterinary profession or the workplace where veterinarians work.
Specialty Board
Definition: A board of veterinarians responsible for certifying veterinarians in specialized areas such as dentistry or opthamology.
Large Animal Practitioner
Definition: Veterinarian who specifically works with farm animals.
American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)
Definition: A professional Association that accredits companion animal hospitals
American Association for the Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
Definition: Evaluates all operational aspects of the biomedical research facility
Veterinary Technician
Definition: Has specialized training in veterinary medicine and assists veterinarians in their practice.
Veterinary Assistant
Definition: an individual who has been trained either on the job or through a vocational program to assist in the veterinary practice.
Veterinary Practice Manager (VPM)
Definition: An individual responsible for all business aspects of a veterinary practice.
Reception Area
Definition: The location where clients are first greeted when they first enter the practice; the practices coordination center.
Examination Room
Definition: The location where the veterinary staff assess an animal’s health and where the veterinarian performs examinations.
Surgical Suite
Definition: The location that holds the surgical table, surgical and anesthetic supplies, and equipment.
Treatment Area
Definition: The location where hospital inpatients receive medication or diagnostic procedures.
Grooming Area
Definition: The location where animals are bathed and their coats area trimmed; has cages for holding animals before and after grooming procedures.
Hospital Ward
Definition: The location where animals are confined for pre- and postsurgical procedures.
Isolation Area
Definition: Used to seperate patients with transmittable diseases.
X-Ray Area
Definition: The location that contains X-ray machines and protective equipment for the staff.
Definition: The room used to develop x-ray film
Laboratory Area
Definition: Used for clinical diagnostic procedures; contains microscopes and equipment for analyzing blood samples.
Definition: The location where medications and their related supplies are stored.
Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician (ALAT)
Definition: Person who helps laboratory animal technician care for research facility animals.
Wildlife Rehabilitator
Definition: Cares for injured and orphanes wild animals.
Definition: The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or professional person.
Breed Defect
Definition: Any undesireable characteristic that may be
genetically passed from one generation to the next.