Introduction to Animal Care Flashcards
The act of killing hopelessly sick or injured animals in a painless way.
Veterinary Practice Act
A set of laws that govern veterinary medicine in a particular state.
Veterinary Medical Board
A group of veterinarians appointed by the governor to oversee a state’s veterinary medicine.
Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities
An AVMA committee that accredits veterinary technology programs.
Controlled Substances Act
A federal law that controls the manufacture, purchase, and distribution of certain medications.
Food and Drug Administration
An agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services that was created to ensure safe and effective food, drugs, and medical devices.
Center for Veterinary Medicine
The FDA branch that monitors the animal health industry, administering the sections of the food, drug and cosmetic act that pertain to animals.
Animal Welfare Act
A group of federal laws designed to ensure that laboratory animals receive the best possible care.
Small Animal and Exotics Practice
A veterinary hospital that treats dogs, cats, birds, guinea pigs, rabbits, and reptiles.
The exercise of the veterinary profession or the place where the veterinarian works.
Specialty Boards
A board of veterinarians responsible for certifying veterinarians in specialized areas such as dentistry or opthamology.
Large Animal Practice
Veterinarian who works exclusively with farm animals.
American Animal Hospital Association
A professional association that accredits companion animal hospitals.
Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
Evaluate all operational aspects of biomedical research facilities.
Veterinary Technician
Has specialized training in veterinary medicine and assists veterinarians in their practice.
Veterinary Assistant
An individual who has been trained on the job or through a vocational program to assist in a veterinary practice.
Veterinary Practice Manager
An individual responsible for all business aspects of a veterinary practice.
Reception Area
The location where clients are first greeted when they enter a practice; the practice’s coordination center.
Examination Area
The location where the veterinary staff assess an animal’s health and where the veterinarian performs examinations.
Surgical Suite
The location that holds the surgical table, surgical and anesthetic supplies, and equipment.
Treatment Area
The location where hospital inpatients receive medication or diagnostic procedures.
Grooming Area
The location where animals are bathed and their coats are trimmed; has cages for holding animals before and after grooming procedures.
Hospital Ward
The location where animals are confined for pre and post surgical procedures.
Isolation Area
Used to separate patients with transmittable diseases.