Introduction Of Microbiology Flashcards
deals with organisms ordinarily too small to be seen without
microorganisms can be observed using the
microscope (light and electron microscopes)
these organisms which are micrometers or micron (μm) in size are called
Microorganisms or Microbes
father of Bacteriology and Protozoology
Antonie van Leeuwenhooek
Leeuwenhooek observe microorganisms, bacteria, protozoa that he called a
- disproved spontaneous generation theory with his experiment using beef broth and swan-necked flasks
- performed pasteurization
- developed rabies vaccine
Luis Pasteur
living organisms could arise from non-living matter (proposed by Aristotle)
Spontaneous Generation Theory
human diseases could arise from infection caused by microorganisms
Germ Theory of Diseases
What is Black Death?
Black Death
o 14th century global epidemic bubonic plaque
o killed one third of Europe’s population
o caused persecution of witches, blamed of spreading the
o caused by a bacterium, Yersinia pestis
o primary vector: oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopsis)
developed Koch’s postulates and pure culture methods
Robert Koch
Recite Causitive Agents
o tuberculosis- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
o anthrax - Bacillus anthracis
o cholera- Vibrio cholera
Treatment for tuberculosis
Pathogen must be….
Must be present
Must be isolated
Must be be reproduced
Must be reisolated
- invented transparent double-sided petri dish
- assistant of Robert Koch
Richard Petri
are easily staked, sterilized, and prevents contamination
Petri dish