Introduction & Chapter 1: Army Transition Flashcards
What does “esprit de corps” mean?
devotion to the group
Seeking a solution, _______ __________ tasked ______ with transforming the large group of hungry and exhausted men at ____ ____ into a disciplined fighting force. In the harsh ________winter, ______ instructed a company of future leaders in basic military movements and tactical skills; those individuals were the predecessors of our _________!
George Washington Baron von Steuben Valley Forge Pennsylvania Baron von Steuben Drill Sergeants
What year did America win the Revolutionary War?
Baron von Steuben, by then the _______, wrote the ________________________, now commonly referred to as the _____ ____, as an instructional guide for future generations.
Army Inspector General
“Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States”
Blue Book
What two documents state the rules and principles you must follow during war and peace; they are the foundation for military law and the way we conduct ourselves as Soldiers during conflict and peacetime.
law of Land Warfare
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
The moral and ethical beliefs found in the _____, in the _______, and in our ________ characterize the Army’s highly professional nature and unique lifestyle.
Declaration of Independence
Army Values
The Army was founded before our nation gained its independence and has since been the critical force in defending our country. In ____, our Army fought in the _________ War.
From ______ to _______, bloody battles proved Americans were fearless warriors, but the British Army was a determined foe. _____ _____ was the turning point for the Revolution.
Lexington to Trenton
Valley Forge
What year did American take its Independence?
By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4th, 1776, the 13 American Colonies severed their political connections with Great Britain.
What were the Soldiers originally known as?
In _____, the Army was split as our nation fought for survival in the conflict known as the _______.
Civil War
What were the two factions of The Civil War?
At ______ ______, ___ _____ saluted ____ Army even as they offered their surrender, showing respect to those who had recently been the nation’s enemies in a way that is only seen in the most professional of military organizations. A key ingredient of our profession has always been to _____________ during combat and when the battles are over.
Appomattox Courthouse
General Grant
respect our foe
When was the Army reorganized and revived and for the first time became a small expeditionary force?
In the Spanish-American War
The ___ ___ was a time of international tension between the ___ ____ and ____ ____. The first significant armed conflict of the ____ ___ occurred in ____. In ___, the political conflict between ____ and ____ escalated in open warfare when the ___ ____ forces invaded the South. A rapid counter-offensive by the United States and the United Nations repelled the ___ ___ past the _____parallel, eventually subduing the ____ invasion.
Cold War Western World and communist regimes Cold War Korea 1950 North Korea and South Korea North Korean North Koreans 38th, communist
After a standoff with Soviet and Warsaw Pact forces for over 50 years, the “______” and the _____ fell in _____, ending the Cold War.
Iron Curtain
Berlin Wall
In the 1960s and 70s, the US Army fought communist guerillas and regular forces from ___ ____ in a conflict in ____ ___. The US withdrew in ____ after a negotiated settlement that eventually collapsed in ____.
North Vietnam
Southeast Asia
In the early 1990s, the Army conducted Operations ____ and _____, defeating two different forces and liberating oppressed countries in _______ and in the ______ in what were both considered historic campaigns that clearly demonstrated U.S. military capabilities.
Just Cause and Desert Storm
Central America and in the Gulf of Arabia
From ____ until ______ _____, American Forces were brave, but disorganized citizens fighting against highly trained and organized British Soldiers.
1775 until Valley Forge