Introduction and Review of Controls Flashcards
Dynamic Systems
x’(t) = f(x(t),u(t),t): systems that change or evolve over time according to a fixed rule. Rule is governed by some law of physics.
State Vector
x(t): variables representing the configuration of the system at time t
Input Vectors
u(t): external inputs to the system at time t
System Order
Dimensionality of state-space model. Corresponds to the number of independent energy storage elements in the system
Linear Time Invariant
system that is obeys superposition (linear: f(ax,by) = af(x)+bf(y)) and is time-independent (time-invariant: f(x(t+T)) = f(x(t)).
State Space Model for Continuous LTI systems
x' = Ax + Bu y = Cx + Du A: system matrix B: input matrix C: output matrix D: feed-foward matrix
Purpose of State Space Models
- Handle MIMO systems
- Solve systems with non-zero I.C.
- Solve non-linear systems
Frequency Response of LTI Systems
Magnitude and phase difference as a function of frequency for output of LTI given a sinusoidal input
Purpose of Laplace Transform of LTI Systems
Calculate transfer function which represents input/output relation in frequency domain
Laplace Transform
F(s) = L(f(t)) = integral(exp(-s*t)*f(t)*dt) [0, inf] s = sigma + j*omega
Laplace Transform of nth Derivative
L(d^nf/dt^n) = s^nF(s) - s^(n-1)f(0) - s^n-2*f’(0) - … - f’…‘(0)
Frequency-Domain Methods
Used for analyzing LTI SISO systems
- a_n y’…’ + … + a_1y’ + a_0y = b_mu’…’ +…+ b_1u’ + b_0u
- a_ns^nY(s) + …+ a_1sY(s) + a_0Y(s) = b_ms^mU(s) + … + b_1sU(s) + b_0*U(s)
- Transfer Function: G(s) = N(s)/D(s) = K*(s-z1)(s-z2)…(s-zm)/(s-p1)s-p2)…(s-pn)
- System Gain: K = bm/an
- Transfer Function from State Space Model: C(sI-A)^-1*B + D
Sum of Forces
Sum(Forces) = m*a
Governing Equation of Mass Spring
F(t) - bx’ - kx = m*x’’
k: spring constant
b: viscous damping force
x’ = [x’;x’’] = [0 1; -k/m -b/m][x;x’] + [0; 1/m] * F(t)
Transfer Function of Mass-Spring Model
H(s) = 1/(ms^2+bs+k)