Introduction And Phrases Flashcards
Hello, nice to meet you.
Konichi wa hajimemate
My name is Matthew.
Watashi wa Mashu desu
私 は マシュー です
What is your name?
Onamae wa nandesuka?
お名前(なまえ) は 何(なん)ですか?
Look at this please (like showing my phone or something)
ja kore mite kudasai
I am from Calgary. Calgary is a city that is in the west of Canada.
Karugari kara kimashta. Karugari wa kanada no nishi no machi desu.
カルガリー から 来(き)ました カルガリーは、カナダ の 西(にし) の 街(まち) です。
Not at all (modest reply to a compliment)
ieie zenzen (desu)
いえいえ、ぜんぜん (です)
Oh you are good at English
Sugoi! Ego ga jozu desu ne!
すごい! 日本語 が じょずですね
This is a beautiful place
Koko wa kirei na tokoro desu
ここは きれい な ところ です。
This is my brother Justin, this is my mother, etc
Kare wa washi no otouto no Justine desu, Kanojo wa watashi no haha no Mana desu
I am a beginner, there are many words I do not know.
watashi wa bigina de, takusan shiranai (don’t know) kotoba ga arimasu
わたしは ビギナーで、たくさんしらない ことば が あります。
I practise with my Japanese friend every week
watashi wa nihonjin no tomodachi to maishu rennshu shimasu
わたしは、にほんじの ともだちと まいしゅう れんしゅう します。
I want to learn new words every week
watashi wa maishu atarashii kotoba wo obe tai desu
わたしは まいしゅう あたらしい ことばを おぼえたいです。
This is my second visit to Japan.
Konkai no Hōmon (visit) wa nikaime desu
今回(こんかい)の 訪問(ほうもん) は 二回目(にかいめ) です。
Where are you from?
Dokokara kimashitaka?
どこから 来(き)ましたか?
I am really into japanese music and film
Nihon no ongaku to eiga ni sugoi hamattemasu
How long have you been studying english?
Donokurai eigo wo benkyo shiteimasuka?
The towns are clean in Japan
Nihon wa machi ga kirei desu
日本は まち が きれい です
The olympics were in 1988
Hachi jew hachi nen ni orimpico ga arimashita
I am on vacation in Japan for one month with my family .
watashi wa ima kazoku to kyuka de ii Kagetsu-kan nihon ni imasu.
Have you ever been to Canada?
Canada he itta koto ga arimasuka?
How long will you stay?
Dorekurai taizai shimasu ka?
Do you have a pet?
Petto o katteru?
Please give me this one
I’ll take this one
Kore o kudsai
We bought a lot of small things
Watashitachi wa takusan no chīsana mono o kaimashita
Is soccer popular in Japan
Sakkā wa Nihon de ninki ga arimasuka?
see you later
Take care
Ki-oat- skete
Can you speak English?
Ego ga hanasemasuka?
I can speak a little Japanese
Watashi wa sukoshi (skoshi) nihongo ga hanasemasu
How old are you?
Nansai desuka?
I understand
Please say that again
Mo-iche-do itte-kudasai
It’s alright / I’m ok
Daijyobu desu
You’re welcome
Dou itashimashite
What does this mean?
Kore wa douiu (doe-ee-u) imi desuka?
No thank you
Arigato kekkou desu
Thank you for your time
Ojikan arigatou gozaimashita
I’ve been studying Japanese for about two years
Watashi wa yaku ni nenkan nihongo o benkyō shite imasu
I use flash cards to study
Furasshukādo o tsukatte benkyō shite imasu
She is very good at animation
Kanojo wa animēshon ga totemo jōzudesu
What do you call this in Japanese
Kore wa nihongo de nanto imasuka ?
I love it here
Koko ga diasuki desu
We are hungry
Watashitachiha onaka ga suiteiru
It is extremely cold
Kanari samui desu
Japanese is very different than English
Nihongo wa eigo to wa totemo chigaimasu
Spanish is similar to English
Supeingo wa eigo ni nite iru
Where do I buy a ticket
Kippu wa doko de kaemasu ka?
I have forgotten so many words
Takusan no kotoba o wasurete shimatta
There are three alphabets in japanese
Nihongo ni wa mittsu no arufabetto ga arimasu
English is hard as well
Ego mo muzukashi
I am self taught
watashi wa dokugaku desu
Canada is a young culture
Kanada wa wakai bunkadesu
160 years old
Hyaku (yaku) roku juu sai
I’m looking for a good Japanese band
nihon no ii bando wo sagashitemas
You speak English well
ego wa jozu desu
What do you recommend
Osusume wa nan desuka?
Do you accept credit card ?
Kurejitto kādo wa tsukaemasuka?
Mt. Fuji is a very tall mountain.
Fujisan wa totemo takai yama desu.
Watashi wa koko nihon de renshu shite imasu
Japanese people eat a lot of fish.
Nihonjin wa sakana o takusan taberu.