Introduction and Lesson 1 Flashcards
What is this? A FAR based acquisition leading to a mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish the supplies or services and the buyer to pay for them
A contract
Nonprocurement Instruments (NPI)
non FAR based acquisitions using for example, grants, cooperative agreements, Other Transaction Authority
Who does this? Ensure military material is adequately preserved, packed and marked?
Packing Specialist
Who does this? fosters competition by ensuring small businesses have maximum practicable opportunities in DOD?
SBP small business professional
What is done during pre-award?
A pre-award survey to see if they can fulfill the contract and the cost. Pricing analyst and others may make recommendations for approval
Which directive establishes DCMA’s mission?
DOD Directive 5105.64 - in accordance with FAR section 42.302- we are a combat support agency (DODD 3000.06).
DCMA performs how many functions when administering contracts?
What are the four functions which need to be performed?
Negotiating price rates, establishing final indirect costs/billing, determining contractor compliance with CAS, and determining adequacy of contractor’s accounting systems
What falls under the umbrella of Corporate GOvernance and COntract Maintenance Capabilities
Workload acceptance, contract receipt and review, funds life cycle, terminations and contract closeout
What are the funds management obligations of DCMA?
ensuring obligated funds and disbursements are correctly posted, promptly identifying and documenting the disposition of unliquidated obligation (ULO) funds in excess of contract requirements, and mitigating at risk ULO from cancelling
When does the contract closeout begin?
After confirmation that all supplies and services have been delivered, accepted, or contract performance is complete.
What are CBS? Contractor Business Systems?
The systems defesne contractors use for accounting, cost estimating, EVM, material management and accounting, property management and purchasing.
What falls under contractor effectiveness and product acceptance and property payment capabilities?
Surveillance, Small business, and contractor business systems
Acceptance is determined by the ACO, COR , or Functional Specialist (FS). What does it do?
assumes ownership of existing supplies tendered, or approving specific services rendered as partial or complete
Packaging and Transportation is conducted by who?
QAs- review contracts to id packaging requirements
ACOS and QAS and/or PS reports deficiencies found in a contract deficiency report (CDR)
What is a forward pricing rate?
a written agreement negotiated between a contractor and the government to make certain rates are available during a specified time period for use in price contracts or modifications
What is CAS?
Cost accounting standards (there are 19 of these)
What is CAFU?
Contract audit follow up DCAA does this
What is a final indirect cost rate?
what is used for settlement at the end of the contractor’s fiscal year for each year the contract is in force
These are what types of intelligence? Field pricing assistance, delegated ACO negotiations, technical support to negotiations, commercial item support, pre-award surveys, and defective pricing support
negotiation intelligence (NI)
WAL has 5 gates that they used to determine if a contract can be awarded, what are they?
mission customer, is dcma the CAO authority, should dcma have this contract or should it be retained by the contracting activity, is dcma authorized to perform the functions within the contract/request, is this a high risk high value contract
Who ensures contracts are free of errors and contain all the necessary information for DCMA to do the work?
A functional specialist (FS)
What does CRR stand for?
contract receipt and review
What are the three reasons a contract might be incorrectly assigned?
non mission work, incorrect FS, incorrect CMO
What are these? legal, regulatory, or fiscal errors in the contract that require correction.
Contract defects
What are tehse? errors in contract that should be corrected but do not delay contractor performance or surveillance?
contract deficiencies
What is the process of ensuring an exact match of the data elements contained in the contract to the data fields that are electronically translated into MOCAS (mechanization of contract administration services)
a MOCAS Data Integrity Screening (DIS)
What is any written change in the terms of a contract?
Contract modification
What are the reasons a contract may need to be modified?
Add or remove funding
correct a mistake
exercise an option
Change a delivery or period of performance
Change in terms and conditions (and attachments)
add or delete scope supplies or services
change what is needed or where it is needed
suspend the work or partially terminate
It is in violation of what act to involve the Federal government in a contract or obligation for payment of money before or in excess of an appropriation, unless authorized by law
Title 31, USCS section 1341(a), Antideficiency ACt
What is this? a legislative action by Congress that authorizes the expenditure of public funds for a designated purpose, can be either obligated or disbursed
an appropriation
What are the appropriations categories?
operations and maintenance
research development, test and evaluation
military construction (MILCON)
Ship Conversion Navy (SCN)
What are the obligation periods for
operations and maintenance
research development, test and evaluation
military construction (MILCON)
Ship Conversion Navy (SCN)
operations and maintenance 1 year
research development, test and evaluation 2 years
procurement 3 years
military construction (MILCON) 5 years
Ship Conversion Navy (SCN) 5 years
What happens during the current appropriations lifecycle?
funds are available for obligation, adjustment, and disbursement
What happens during expired period of appropriations lifecycle?
fund are no longer available for new obligation, but are available only for adjustment and disbursement. This lasts for five years.
What happens during cancelled period of the appropriations lifecycle?
The final phase of the life cycle. Not available for obligation, adjustment or disbursement on September 30th of the 5th fiscal year. May not be used for any purpose.
What are these? The amount of obligation that has not been liquidated by payments (i.e. disbursements)
unliquidated obligation (ULO)
What is where the amount that has been paid to a contractor to which the contractor is not currently entitled, or are otherwise due ?
contract debt
Three types of termination
termination for convenience (T4C)
termination for default (T4D)
termination for cause - commercial contracts
Government policy favors what in lieu of termination?
a no cost settlement
What is the $$$ cutoff point for a contract being permitted to run to completion rather than be terminated?
less than $5,000
What are the four reasons a contract may be terminated for convenience?
Bid protests, funding issues, tech changes, requirements changes
What are the reasons a contract can be terminated for violations?
fraud, failure to meet quality, failure to deliver supplies or perform services in specified time frame, failure to make progress/endangering performance of contract, failure to perform any other contract provisions
What are the reasons/failure of a contractor if a contract is terminated for cause?
not complying with contract terms and conditions or not providing the government (when requested) assurances of performance
DCMA only handles which type of termination?
Termination of convenience
What types of terminations does the PCO handle?
default and cause
a contract cannot be closed if what?
it is in litigation, under appeal, or pending a termination action
a contract is _____________ when the contractor has completed the required evlieries and the government has inspected and accepted all the supplies, or all services have been rendered.
Physically complete
A contract is ______________ if all administrative actions, including final payment are complete and all disputes have been settled. It is_________ on time when done within the FAR mandated time standard
Who leads the closeout process?
the ACO
What are the steps in Plant Clearance?
1) contractor submits inventory disposal schedule
2) PLCO ensures all plant clearance cases are processed
3) PLCO maintains point of contact with personnel at buying commands and inventory control points, GSA and other users
4) Acceptable inventory schedules are submitted to the PLCO
5) PLCO reviews each inventory disposal schedule to see if review is required
6) PLCO processes transfers donations and sales excess of contractor inventory
7) Upon signed receipt the PLCO closes the plant clearance case