introduction/anatomy Flashcards
sperm (spermatozoon)
male sex cell
the tail region on sperm; helps makes sperm go faster to egg
release of sperm and fluid (semem) from male urethra
fraternal twins
two separate eggs get fertilized by 2 separate sperm cells
identical twins
one fertilized egg by one sperm cell gets divided into half
responsible for male sex characteristics
testis (one testicle) testes (two testicles)
male gonad; sperm production and secretes testosterone
external sac that contains testes; regulates temperature
located between the scrotum and anus
seminiferous tubules (seh-mee-ni-fr-uhs)
produce sperm in testis the “parenchymal” of the system they are essential work
sit on top of the testes; stores sperm
vas deferens (ductus deferens)
narrow tube that carries sperm from epididymis to urethra
seminal vesical
secret fluid into vas deferens
ejaculatory duct
tube where semen enters male urethra
secrete thick substance that nourishes sperm cell
prostate gland
release milk white fluid that contribute to semen
bulbourethral glands
located below the prostate glands; also called cowper glands
male external organ of reproduction
glans penis
sensitive tip of penis; kind of like clitoris in females
prepuce, foreskin
fold of skin covering head of penis; prepuce
erectile dysfunction
inability to achieve an erection
in a man any problem that lowers the chances of his female partner in getting pregnant