Introduction Flashcards
Morality and values are influenced by _______ and _________
Morality and values are influenced by culture and religion.
Morals, values, and ethics all involve judgments about what is:
Right or wrong
Define Bracketing
Why is bracketing important in counseling?
- When the counselor sets aside their own personal values within the counseling relationship.
- Helps counselor stay objective and respectful of clients values.
What are professional values?
Core values shared by the members of a profession.
Define ethics as it relates to the counseling profession?
The conduct judged as good or right for professionals to adhere to.
What does the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics say in relation to a counselor’s personal values?
ACA “Code of Ethics” says counselors mist avoid imposing their own personal values on clients
What are Laws?
Rules of a society that establishes the basic principles for living together as a group
Describe the relationship between Laws versus Ethics in professional counseling.
In counseling,
- Laws dictate the minimum standards of behavior
- Ethics involve a wide range of professional functioning.
Some ethical standards dictate the minimum acceptable standards, while others identify ideals which counselors should aspire to reach.
What is “best practice”?
the very best a counselor could be expected to do
Differentiate between best practice standards vs. ethical standards.
- Best practice standards a meant to be motivational
- Ethical standards are enforceable
Describe the pyramid of the Model of professional Practice. Describe the pyramid from base to top :)
- Intentionality (having good intentions to help client)
- Principles and virtues (provide foundation for ethical reasoning)
- Knowledge of ethical, legal, and professional standards
- Self-awareness (helps prevent imposing values onto client)
- Decision-making skills and models (to guide decision making)
- Courage of your convictions (courage to do what is right)
Describe the slippery-slope phenomenon
The principle that when one begins to compromise their principles, it becomes easier and easier to compromise further, diminishing one’s sense of moral self along the way.
Ethical Reasoning:
a) is a natural talent
b) is an acquired skill
Ethical reasoning is an acquired skill
Differentiate between the concept of *ethical relativism vs *ethical absolutism
- Ethical relativism says that no absolute moral standards exist that can be universally applied. If members of a culture believe that something is morally right, then it is morally right to perform the action in that culture.
- Ethical absolutism says that some moral standards are universally applicable, regardless of whether a culture or person agrees.
In counseling, ethical standards should be interpreted in:
a) a relativistic way
b) a absolutist way
a relativistic way
Differentiate between Egoism and Altruism.
Which are at play in professional practice?
Egoism and Altruism both deal with what motivates people to act morally.
Egosim- moral actions are done out of self-interest
Altruism- moral actions are done out of good-will to others.
BOTH egoism and altruism are at play in life and in counseling
Differentiate between Utilitarian vs. Deontological ethics
Utilitarian ethics - says that an action is moral if it will do the greatest good for the greatest # of people.
Deontological ethics- says that an action is justified as being moral because it is inherently right. (not because of its consequences)
What two ethical theories focus on what constitutes ethical character?
- Virtue ethics
- Relational ethics
Describe virtue ethics
- An ethical theory that focuses on which character traits are the basis of right actions.
- Believes that solutions to ethical dilemmas come from using good judgment, not from following certain rules.
Describe relational ethics
- An ethical theory that recognizes that humans exist in relationships with others.
- Believes that solutions to ethical dilemmas are found by focusing on the relationship between people involved.
- Moral actions are viewed as those which empower individuals and promote social justice.
List the 6 moral principles of the ACA Code of Ethics Preamble
- Respect for Autonomy
- Non-maleficence
- Beneficence
- Justice
- Fidelity
- Veracity (truthfulness)
Differentiate between “principle ethics” and “virtue ethics”
- Principle ethics focuses on actions “what should I do?”
- Virtue ethics focuses on the actor “who. should I be?”
Name the 5 Characteristics of virtuous agents (for mental health professionals)
- Integrity
- Discernment
- Acceptance of emotion
- Self-awareness
- Interdependence with the community
Principle ethics help you resolve __________ .
Principle ethics help you resolve ethical dilemmas.
Virtue ethics help you do what?
Virtue ethics help you examine your ideals and define who you want to be as a helping professional.
Codes of ethics protect and promote the welfare of _____ and protect __________.
Codes of ethics protect and promote the welfare of clients and protect practitioners.
Describe Mandatory Ethics vs. Aspirational Ethics in regard to professional functioning.
- Mandatory ethics allow one to practice the lowest level of professional functioning while still maintaining ethics.
- Aspirational ethics describe the highest ethical standards to which a counselor can aspire.
How often is the ACA code of ethics revised?
Every 7 - 10 years
When encountering ethical dilemmas, counselors should make use of ________.
When encountering ethical dilemmas, counselors should make use of models.
Describe early ethical models from the 90’s~
- Early models broke down ethical decision making into steps, using logical approaches.
- The goal was to minimize subjectivity.
Describe feminist ethical models
- Early models were criticized for being too paternalistic, logical, and dispassionate.
- Feminist models take a more holistic, intuitive, emotional, compassionate, inclusive, and personal approach to ethical decision making.
- Feminist models claim to be more inclusive and culturally appropriate than earlier ones.
Describe multicultural ethical models
- Early models were criticized for not lacking consideration of multicultural issues.
- Multicultural models emphasize cultural sensitivity.
Describe social constructivist ethical models
- Says that ethical decision is a process between 2 people, not just in the mind of one.
- Emphasizes negotiating and consensualizing with other people .
Describe recent ethical models. How do they approach ethical decision making?
Recent models focus on specific ethical issues.
List the 8 steps of the general model of ethical decision making
- Identify and define the problem
- Involve your client in the decision-making process
- Consider the principles and virtues
- Tune into your feelings
- Consult with colleagues or experts
- Consider the context
- Identify desired outcomes and consider possible actions to achieve the outcomes
- Choose and act on your choice
Name the 6 self-tests you can use to check the soundness of a decision:
- Test of Justice
- Test of Universality
- Test of Publicity
- Reversibility Test
- Mentor Test
- Checking for Moral Traces
Describe how to perform the Test of Justice
asking whether you would treat others the same in the same situation.
Describe how to perform the Test of Universality
ask if you would be willing to recommend the same course of action to other counselors in your situation.
Describe how to perform the Test of Publicity
ask if you would be willing to have your decision be made public.
Describe how to perform the Reversibility Test
ask if you would make the same choice if you or a loved one were in the client’s shoes.
Describe how to perform the Mentor Test
ask trusted colleagues how they would make a decision ~ what conclusion they would make.
Describe how to Check for Moral Traces
When thinking about a moral decision, check yourself for feelings of doubt, uncertainty, or discomfort.
> If these feelings are present, the may indicate that you are stepping onto a slippery slope with your chosen decision.
What is Tort Law?
An area of law that holds people responsible for any harm they cause to the people.
Define malpractice
a subset of tort law that holds professionals accountable for any harm they cause to the public.
Define statutes
- laws passed by federal and state legislatures
- have the power to modify the common law, but cannot violate constitutional principles.
Define government regulations
- procedures adopted by agencies to carry out laws created by statutes.
- can be federal or state
Describe how to determine if there is a legal issue in a situation you are facing:
Determine if one or more of the following apply:
- Legal proceedings have been initiated
- Lawyers are on the scene
- You are vulnerable to having a complaint filed against you for misconduct
Many legal issues are ____________ in nature and should be handled by __________ rather than by __________.
Many legal issues are administrative in nature and should be handled by administration rather than by counselors.
When dealing with legal issues, once a counselor has gotten a response from a supervisor or attorney, advising them to a proper course of action, what should the counselor do? Why?
The counselor must always follow the legal advice given to them by their supervisor or attorney.
***This ensures that the counselor will be compensated and supported if problems arise later.
So that they are prepared for potential legal issues, private practitioners SHOULD:
Private practitioners should establish a relationship with attorneys.
It is imperative that counselors maintain what type of INSURANCE at ALL TIMES?
professional liability insurance