Introduction Flashcards
What does FAA stand for?
Federal Aviation Administration
What does FAR stand for?
Federal Aviation Regulations
What does FBO stand for?
Fixed Based Operators
What is a Fixed Based Operator?
It is located in an airport and provides services to pilots including, aircraft rental, fueling, maintenance, parking, and the sale of pilot supplies. Often flight schools are located in FBOs.
What must you have before you can solo an airplane?
Student pilot certificate
What are the requirements to get a Student Pilot Certificate?
Be 16 years old or older.
Be a fluent English speaker, reader, and writer.
Hold a 3rd class medical certificate.
What does AME stand for?
Aviation Medical Examiner
Who can issue you a medical certificate?
FAA Inspector
FAA-designated pilot examiner
Who are the three classes of Medical Certificates for?
First Class–Airline Transport Pilots
Second Class–Commercial Pilot
Third Class–Student, Recreational, and Private Pilots
How long is a Third Class Medical Certificate valid for?
60 calendar months (5 years) if you are less than 40 years old and 24 calendar months if you’re 40 or older.
What are the requirements for a Private Pilot’s license?
Be at least 17 years old
Complete training and Flight Time requirements as specified in the FARs
Pass a knowledge test
Pass a practical test which involves oral quizzing, performing pilot operations and performing manuevers in the air.
What is the minimum score you can get on the knowledge section of the private pilot exam and still pass?
If you go to a Part 61 school, what are the flight time requirements for a Private Pilot’s License?
40 total hours of flight including at least 20 hours of dual instruction and at least 10 hours of solo flight.
If you go to a Part 141 school, what are the flight time requirements for a Private Pilot’s License?
35 total hours of flight including at least 20 hours of dual instruction and at least 5 hours of solo flight.
What is the average flight hours needed to meet the minimum proficiency standards for a Private Pilot’s license?
65-75 hours
What are the three phases of private pilot training?
Practical Test Preparation
What does PIC stand for?
Pilot in Command
Can you carry passengers for hire as a Private Pilot?
No, but you can share operating expenses–such as for fuel.
How are various kinds of aircraft organized for the purposes of pilot certification?
What are the five categories of aircraft?
Airplane Rotorcraft Glider Lighter than Air Powered-lift
Which two categories have no subclasses?
What does the type of aircraft specify?
Make and Model
What category, class, and type will your private pilot certificate specify?
Category of Airplane
Class of Single Engine
Probably no Type as this usually isn’t listed on small planes
What are four classes of airplane?
Single-Engine Land
Multi-Engine Land
Single-Engine Sea
Multi-Engine Sea
What are two classes of Rotorcraft?
What are two classes of Lighter than Air?
What are two types of training schools?
FAR Part 141
FAR Part 61
Describe airplane use categories:
Normal–The most restricted use.
Utility–Same kind of airplane as normal but the way it’s loaded allows it to withstand greater strains.
Acrobatic–Least operating restrictions since its design calls for greater strenth.
Commuter–Limited to 19 seats and 19,000 pounds of weight or less.
Transport–Next size up from commuter. Big passenger or cargo planes.
Restricted–Agricultural spray planes or forrest fire slurry bombers.
Limited–Military aircraft which can be used for limited purposes in civilian aviation.
Provisional–Newly designed aircraft which are still going through the certification process.
Experimental–Home built and research and development planes are in this category.
What are the inspections to confirm have been completed before each flight?
Annual Inspection -within the last year.
Hundred Hour Inspection-within the last 100 hours of flight time.
Transponder Inspection-within the last 2 years.
Does your private pilot certificate expire?
No, but there are renewal requirements if you wish to operate as pilot in command while carrying passengers. These requirements include:
Completing a flight review every 24 months with a Chief Flight Instructor
Taking off and landing 3 times in the previous 90 days.
If you’re going to be taking off or landing at night with passengers you must do 3 takeoffs and landingscoming to a full stop one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise.
If you’re piloting an aerobatic plane how long ago may a certified rigger have packed your parachute?
If the chute is made of natural materials, no more than 60 days.
If the chute is made of synthetic materials, no more than 180 days.
What does AOPA stand for?
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
What does EAA stand for?
Experimental Aircraft Association–It’s made up of those who have built their own airplanes.
What is the name of an international organization of women pilots?
The Ninety-Nines, Inc.