Introduction Flashcards




Traditional foreign language teaching methods concentrated on getting students consciously to learn items of language in isolation, that is to say that we have traditionally focused on the language part leaving aside the communication part. This meant students often practiced reading but didn’t speak much. However, oral comprehension and expression is one of our priorities in foreign language teaching today, as established by Decree 41/2022 in point 3 of article 14.

According to Krashen’s distinction between acquisition and learning, we can say that people can learn about language, which would be learning, but not use it in real contexts, that is, acquisition.

Communication is an important part of human life. It’s how we share what we want to say with others.

So, we can say that communication is the key for us as teachers. Not only because it is the essence of human interaction but because it is also the centre of language learning.

Nowadays textbooks and teaching practice research are based on the idea that learning a language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning, or what is also known as communicative competence, which is the curricular purpose of the FL subject area: “To acquire basic communicative competence in at least one foreign language in order to enable students to express an understand simple messages and get by in everyday situations” you can see both LOMLOE article 17.f and Royal Decree 157/2022, article 7.f

  • This unit is composed of a__________________________
  • It should be noted that this unit is based on Decree 41/2022, of July 13, which establishes the Primary Education Curriculum in La Rioja.
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