Introduction Flashcards
In a poker hand on the turn, your opponent goes all-in for $100 into a $100 pot. You know you will win 25% of the time. If you lose, you lose $100. If you win, you win $200. How much do you win or lose by making the call?
Expected Value = .25(200) + .75(-$100) = -$25 ; so lose $25
In a poker hand on the turn, your opponent goes all-in for $500 into a $700 pot. You know you will win 40% of the time. How much do you win or lose by making the call?
Expected Value = .4($1,200)+ .6(-$500) = $180
If you put 25,000 chips into a 50,000 pot and you know you will win 40% of the time, how much do you win or lose?
Expected Value = .4(50,000) + .6(-25,000) = +5,000
If you put 30,000 chips into a 60,000 pot and you know you will win 30% of the time, how much do you win or lose?
Expected Value = .3(60,000) + .7(-30,000) = -3,000
When you are getting 2.7:1 odds, how often do you need to win to justify calling?
(second number/(second number + first number)) = 1/(2.7+1) = 1/3.7 = 27%
If your opponent bets 25 into a 100 pot, what are your pot odds?
When you are getting 5:1 odds, how often do you need to win to justify calling?
Is it better to learn GTO and try to memorize strategies or try to learn the game theory fundamentals and focus on developing implementable strategies?
Focus on using GTO to develop good game theory fundamentals and then develop implementable strategies.
How much equity does J-J have against a range of 99+, AJ+ and KQs?
How much equity does 8d-7d have against a range of 99+, AJ+ and KQs on Kh-9c-6d?
Yes or No
The LJ raises from a 60bb effective stack, and you call from the BTN. Do you typically have AA/KK/QQ in your range?
No. These hands would typically be 3-bet preflop, so when you call, these hands are no longer in your range.
Suppose you raise to 2.2bbs out of your 15bb effective stack from the button and the big blind goes all-in with a range of 77+, AT+, KT+, QTs+ and QJ. How much equity do you need to break even on this call?
Suppose you raise to 2.2bbs out of your 25bb effective stack from the lojack and the cutoff goes all-in with 88+, AJ+, and KQ. How much equity do you need to break even on this call?
How many combinations of AQo are there preflop?
How many combinations of AQs are there preflop?
How many combinations of 5-5 are there preflop?
On Ks-7c-4d, how many combinations of A-K are available?
- (3x4)
On Ks-7c-4d, how many combinations of K-4s are available?
How many combinations of A-J are there preflop if you have the Jh in your hand?
How many combinations of J-J are there preflop if you have the Jh in your hand?