Introduction Flashcards
Layout of permanent teeth
Maxillary teeth - Maxilla (upper jaw)
Mandibular teeth - Mandible (lower jaw)
There are 8 teeth in each quadrant
Name the anterior teeth
Central incisor
Lateral incisor
Name the posterior teeth
First pre molar
Second pre molar
First molar
Second molar
Third molar
Where is the hard palete
The maxilla
How many primary teeth do children have
8 incisors
4 canines
8 molars
No premolars
Maxillary surfaces
Towards lips - Labial
Towards cheeks - Buccal
Towards hard palate - Palatal
Mandibular surfaces
Towards lips - labial
Towards cheeks - Buccal
Towards tongue - Lingual
Buccal and Labial surfaces are also called Vestibular surfaces
What does mesial mean
surface towards the midline
What is the surface towards the back of the mouth called
Anterior tooth anatomy
Apex - tip
Cervix/cervical line - where the tooth meets the gum (amelo-cemental junction)
Incisal edge - Edge of the tooth
What is the cingulum
The bulge or
of enamel found
on the cervical
third of the
lingual surface
of all
anterior teeth
What are marginal ridges
An elevation of enamel which forms the mesial or distal margin
of the lingual surface of an anterior tooth or the occlusal surface of a posterior tooth
Posterior tooth anatomy
Cusps - Hard eminence on the occlusal surface
What system for naming teeth do we use
Federation Dentaire International
What is the upper left first molar
Lower right central incisor
Upper right Canine
Upper left third molar
Lower left lateral incisor
Lower right second molar
Upper left second pre molar