Introduction Flashcards
when was the Classical Period?
when was Beethoven’s music considered to be?
what is the “First Viennese School”?
Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven spent a considerable amount of time in the city of Vienna and are therefore sometimes known as this
what were Haydn’s and Mozarts earlier works often in?
gallant style
what did galant style consist of?
very clear melodies, simple accompaniments and much ornamentation
what are Haydn’s and Mozarts later works known to be written in?
“mature” Classical style
what other sort of music (other than instrumental did all 3 composers write?
sacred (religious) music and secular (non-religious) music and opera
Why did all the composers write music?
something they did for money
Joseph Haydn dates?
1732: Where was Haydn born?
Rohrau, Austria
1740: when did Haydn become familiar with Baroque music?
His musical talent was recognised and joined the choir of St Stephens cathedral in Vienna, also learning violin and organ, becoming familiar with Barouque music including music written in counterpoint
1745: What did Haydn do after he left the choir?
remained in Vienna, taught music, composed and performed but struggled financially. He had composing lessons but mostly studied by himself, using textbooks and the work of other composers, particularly CPE Bach
1755: how did Haydn produce his first string quartets?
invited to stay at a country house to perform and compose music for the musicians there, comprising of 2 violinists, viola and cellist
1759: what was Haydn’s first secured paid employment?
a Kapellmeister (“chapel master”) for Count Morzin. He was in charge of music making at the Count’s home, directing a small orchestra and writing instrumental, keyboard and sacred works
1761: what was Haydn’s big break?
appointed second Kapellmeister to Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy at Eisenstadt in Hungary. Prince was musical and had an orchestra. Haydn wrote much instrumental music and eventually promoted to first Kapellmeister.
1766: What happened to Haydn when Prince Paul Anton Esterházy died (1761)? Did his works increase?
He was succeeded by his brother Nikolas. Haydn moved with the Prince to a new large palace called Esterháza which was remote from other cities. Writing an enormous amount of music and experimented with new ideas, his fame spears and some of his music was published
1781: When did Haydn meet Mozart?
On a trip to Vienna, they became friends and admirers of each other’s work, learning from each other’s compositions
1790: What happened to Haydn once Prince Nikolaus died?
his successor was not interested in music. The Esterházy orchestra was disbanded and Haydn was given a generous pension, he was free to move to Vienna and visit london to perform some specially written works
1792: where did Haydn meet Beethoven?
On his way back from Vienna from London, Haydn met Beethoven, who then came to Vienna for lessons with Haydn
1794: what did Haydn do on another extended visit to London?
composing more music especially for the visit