Introduction Flashcards
To mitigate
… and possible interventions to cure and mitigate the illness.
lindern / mindern
There are distinctive patterns in the errors people make.
auffällig / markant / charakteristisch
the bias
It is about biases of intuition.
das Vorurteil
the resemblance
The resemblance of each child to the cultural stereotype of a profession.
die Ähnlichkeit
I recently came to doubt my long-held impression that adultery is more common among politicians than along physicians or lawyers.
Emotions such as fear, affection, and hatred explain most of the occasions on which people depart from rationality.
Hass / Gehässigkeit / Abscheu
the occasions
Emotions such as fear, affection, and hatred explain most of the occasions on which people depart from rationality.
die Fälle / Anlässe / Gelegenheiten
depart from
Emotions such as fear, affection, and hatred explain most of the occasions on which people depart from rationality.
the hindsight
Resisting the lite if hindsight and the illusion of certainty.
Rücksicht (im Sinne von rückblickend)