Introduction Flashcards
What is the first clarifier that wastewater flows into called?
Primary Clarifier
What recovery and recycling processes are typical at wastewater treatment plants ?
Recovering nutrients,generating energy,and creating biosolids.
Where does effluent flow from?
Reservoirs,basins,treatment processes, and wastewater treatment plants.
Who are receiving water quality standards and waste discharge requirements designed to protect?
Water users downstream from wastewater treatment plants.
What kind of reuse stores treated water in surface or groundwater storage before being delivered to a drinking water treatment plant?
Indirect potable reuse.
What environment do anaerobic bacteria live and reproduce in?
An environment with no free or dissolved oxygen.
What is pH?
An expression of the intensity of the basic or acidic condition of a liquid
What mechanism produces hydrogen sulfide?
Anaerobic bacteria remove the oxygen from sulfur compounds
What does a settleometer measure?
Settleable solids.
Which NPDES permit program describes the effluent limitations that are protective of the water quality standards of the receiving water?
Water Quality Based Permitting.
What information about samples is specified in NPDES permits?
Frequency of collection and methods of reporting results.
Facilities for handling wastewater are usually considered to have three major components or parts:
Collection,Treatment, and Reuse.
Which type of sewer system collects only runoff from streets, land, and roofs of buildings?
Stormwater collection system.
To control water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into the waters of the United States?
To control the discharge of excessive flows and harmful industrial pollutants into the wastewater collection system.
Where do many operators prefer to have a flow measuring device?
At the headworks of the wastewater treatment plant.