Introduction Flashcards
To be involved in some typ of OR están involucradas en algún tipo de relación abierta
by choice or by chance
ya se por (elección) decisión o por casualidad
To pursue para perseguir
to try hard to achieve (some desire or aim)
in the sense of engage in
to follow the guidelines of (a plan or policy)
3 (Verb) in the sense of continue
to continue to discuss or argue (a point or subject)
If your request is denied, don’t be afraid to pursue the matter.
Ziel verfolgen, dran bleiben
Inevitable; unavoidable; inevitable
unvermeidlich, unausbleiblich, unausweichlich
Unpredictability; imprevisibilidad
inabilty to be predicted; changeability
The unpredictability of the British weather
To tame the green eyed monster
What are the root causes?
to intend
beabsichtigen; tener la intención, intentar
To build up your strength and stamina
to intend intentar
beabsichtigen, versuchen
to be alert
To be sophisticated
To be in the grip of
Distinct needs
to encourage
to utilize
valuable resources
To include an appendix
a crucial step
Un paso crucial
crucial, decisive, critical, deciding
decisive, deciding, crucial
significant, important, considerable,
great, major, substantial
decisive or critical, especially in the
success or failure of something
“negotiations were at a crucial stage”
Synonyme: pivotal,
critical, kev,
climacteric, decisive, deciding,
determining, settling, testing, trying,
searching, major, significant, influential,
momentous, consequential, weighty, big,
important, historic,
epoch-making, far-
reaching, life-and-death
to expose someone to something
exponer a alguien a algo
(Partikelverb ) in the sense of introduce to
to give someone an introduction to or experience of (something new)
when women from these societies become exposed to Western culture
introduce to
acquaint with
bring into contact w
familiarize with
make familiar with
make conversant with zu
exponer a alguien a es es
WJemanden mit etwas bekannt wmachenwerde es
to have an inherent inclination
tener una inclinación inherente eine angeborene Neigung haben
To be feasible
ser factible
Machbar sein
to struggle sich abmühen ringen
wrestle, struggle, grapple, wring
sich abmühen
struggle, toil, labor, struggle away, slave
away, plod
sich wehren
fight, resist, fight back, struggle, defend
oneself, fend
struggle, languish, go crabbing
sich quälen
suffer, struggle, labor, torture oneself,
torment oneself, labour
breathe, wheeze, pant, puff, struggle
choke, strangle, retch, throttle,
gulp, struggle
sich abquälen
Luchar streiten
la pelea
fight, fighting, quarrel, battle,
scuffle, tussle
el combate
combat, fight, fighting, bout,
engagement, fray
la riña
fight, quarrel, brawl, argument,
disagreement, muss
la disputa
dispute, argument, fight, disputation,
debate, bicker
la lid
el brio
verve, spirit, dash, mettle, zest, fight
la combatividad
fight, aggressiveness
el ánimo
mind, encouragement, courage, zest,
soul, animus
la niña
What does best meet your needs
Lo que mejor se adapta a tus necesidades
Zh Öl
According to Chapman, the five “love languages
words of affirmation (compliments)
quality time.
receiving gifts.
acts of service.
physical touch.
Laut Chapman sind die fünf „Sprachen der Liebe
bestätigende Worte (Komplimente)
Geschenke erhalten.
körperliche Berührung.
Según Chapman, los cinco “lenguajes del amor
palabras de afirmación (felicitaciones)
Tiempo de calidad.
recibir regalos.
actos de servicio.
contacto físico
Dentro de unos parámetros de un acuerdo negociado
within parameters of a negotiated agreement
within innerhalb dentro
aushandeln, verhandeln
to negotiate
luchar con los celos
to struggle with jealousy
relación abierto
Offene Beziehung
En mi experiencia con clientes, la gente
In my experience with clients
Jealousy seems in evitable
Los celos parecen ser inevitables
Each partner is agreeing to
Cada socio está de acuerdo en
La imprevisibilidad
Unberechenheit,Unvorhersagbarkeit, Unvorhersehbarkeit
Time pressures Presiones de tiempo
Zeitdruck Zeitmangel, Zeitnot
insecurities, Inseguridades
of adding outside RS to an existing RS
to allow, para permitir
Freedom, la libertad
likely: wahrscheinlich to attempt
One of the hardest things you are likely to attempt
To attempt para intentar
result resultado , infolgedessen
As a result
should not seem surprising No debería ser sorprendente
Sollte nicht überraschen
Pero más bien es de esperar, but rather to be expected
Sondern eher zu erwarten
I have developed,  He desarrollado
Ich habe entwickelt
Menu techniques and exercises, Muchas técnicas y ejercicios
To help people understand their jealousy, Ayudar a la gente a comprender sus celos
Make it much more managerable , Hacerlo mucho más manejable
Jealousy is the most common problem,  Los celos son el problema más común
Los celos son el problema más común (frequente), jealousy is the most common problem
To ask for, a pedir
More resources on this topic, Más recursos sobre este tema