Three disciplines devoted to drugs
Medicinal chemistry
Two constituents of drugs:
Active constituents
Inert constituents
Compounds that are responsible for the therapeutic effect.
Active constituents
Constituent with no pharmacologic activity
Inert constituents
Three secondary constituents
Environmental Factors
Study of the biochemical pathways leading to the formation of secondary constituents used as drugs
Drug biosynthesis
Made papyrus ebers
George Ebers
Content of papyrus ebers
Use of plant & animals in medicine
Egyptian document
Papyrus ebers
Book authored by Dioscorides
De Materia Medica
Content of De Materia Medica
Use of 600 medicinal plants
Method of processes of preparing formulas containing animal & plant drugs
Galenical pharmacy
Name of Galen
Claudius Galen
Who coined the term Pharmacognosy
C. A. Sydler
Words where pharmacognosy is derived from
pharmakon - “drug”
gnosis - “knowledge
First one to use the term Pharmacognosy in literature
J.A. Schmidth
French Pharmacist and made quinine w/ the collaboration of Pelletiere
Joseph Caventou
Phytochemist who discovered codein and narcotine
Pierre Robiquet