Introduction Flashcards
People who by definition in their culture have reached an advanced age during which they may become less productive. In the U.S. they are often referred to as seniors citizens, especially after reaching the age 65.
Administrator-in-training, a person undertaking on-the-job training, or an internship approved by a given state in preparation for licensing as a nursing home administrator.
Assisted living administrator
Alternative Care
Any type of service that helps a person meet his long-term care needs outside a nursing home or hosptial
Assisted living service
Programs that provide health and other services in the home or in the community, such as day care, home health, meals on wheels and transportation
Assisted living units
A type of residential care providing room, board and some 24-hour supervision, such as group homes, apartments attached or proximal to a retirement housing unit or a nursing facility. May be referred to as residential care facility.
A feeling or posture that one assumes and often acts on without thinking
Boarding home
A facility that offers room and board and sometimes supervision of daily activities. It does not offer health care.
The process by which federal and state governments determine if a health care facility meets Medicare and/or Medicaid standards.
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
Guidelines issued by federal government interpreting how a given law is to be administered.
Of extended duration, long-term, or tending to recur repeatedly.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The unit of USDHHS that states deal with regarding Medicare and Medicaid.
The act of listening to another person’s problem, providing expert information, advice or recommendations, and assisting in decision making.
A society’s typical ways of behaving; its customs, mores, and beliefs.
Weak and infirm, unable to care for many personal needs.
Disorders in which tissue or an organ deteriorates and vitality is diminished.
An abnormal state of mind in which a person usually becomes inactive and disinterested in his environment and lacks motivation.
ECHO Housing
Elders Cottage Housing Opportunity is temporary, modular housing units for the elderly that may be moved onto property of a family member.
Enriched Housing
A licensed adult care facility that is operated for the purpose of providing long-term care to at least five persons. These person, who are typically.
A nursing facility unless otherwise designated.
Free-standing facility
A nursing home that has its own license but is operated by a hospital.
HCFA - The Health Care Finance Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. States deal with this agency in financing the licensing and certification programs and Medicaid services in nursing facility. Replaced by CMS.
HMO - Health Maintenance Organization
One of three types of managed care programs. The HMO is an organization, either private or public, that provides a comprehensive medical care to a group of voluntary subscribers for a fee. HMO’s contract to manage Medicare and Medicaid benefits for many nursing home residents.
Home Health
Services provided in the home through Medicare, Medicaid, and private pay, including nursing, social service, rehabilitation and other.
Hospice care
A program for caring for the dying, in order to enhance whatever life remains rather than battling illness or warding off death.
The early health care facilities started in 325 A.D.; the predecessor of nursing homes.
An Intermediate-Care Facility, the term previously used for a nursing facility (NF) which offers nursing care on a 24-hour per day basis.
An Intermediate-Care Facility offering care and services to Mentally Retarded.
Kerr-Mills Act
Congressional legislation that made federal funds available to states for health care of the needy.
A duly-issued certificate that permits a person to practice or a nursing facility to operate in a given state.
Lifecare Center
A facility that provides a continuum of services including retirement housing, assisted living units, and nursing home care.
LTC - Long Term Care
Refers to the extended care of people with chronic and/or degenerative disabilities. It especially applies to nursing facilities.
Luxury Wing
A unit of a nursing home that can accept private pay residents only.
Managed Care
A complex system that involves the active coordination of, and the arrangement for, the provision of health services and coverage of health benefits. There are two distinct types of managed care, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO’s) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO’s).
Meals On Wheels
A government program that provides meals to home-bound.
Means Test
Identifying a persons’s income and financial status to determine whether they are eligible for Medicaid.
The government program that provides health care services to the medically indigent.
The federal/state program that provides health care services to the elderly through Social Security.
A suspension of activity.
National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards; a private organization.
National Licensing Exam
The examination handled by NAB that an applicant must take to be a licensed NHA or ALA
Needs Review
The process by which the state determines if there is need for additional Medicare of Medicaid beds.
Nursing Home Administrator.
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Transportation to and from health care providers when there is no emergency. Partially reimbursed by Medicare and Medicaid.
Nonparticipating-Nursing Facility
A long-term-care facility not certified for Medicare or Medicaid.
Naturally Occurring Retirement Community is a community where the residents reside for years.
Nursing Facility (NF)
A health care facility duly licensed by the state and which offers room, board, nursing care and certain other therapies.
Nursing Home
The name previously applied to what is now nursing facility, but in practice is still used.
OAA - Old Age Assistance
A program of federal/state financial assistance to the needy, aged 65 and older.
The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987; Also referred to as the Nursing Home Reform Act, that effected major changes in the operations of nursing facilities.
The Online Survey Certification and Reporting system developed by HCFA from information gathered by surveyors during the standard certification survey for participation in Medicare and Medicaid.
PACE - Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly
PACE is a unique capitated managed care benefit for the frail and elderly. Participants must be at least 55 years old, live in the PACE district, and quality for nursing home services as certified by the appropriate state agency. It features a comprehensive medical and social service that is supplemented with in-home services and with referral opportunities to other appropriate settings. PACE organizations are not-for-profit or public entities.
Point of Service - One of the three types of managed care programs. It offers its members health benefits and medical coverage through contractual arrangement with ta variety of health care providers, including hospitals, physician groups, etc.
Proffered Provider Organization - One of the three types of managed care programs. It offers its members health benefits and medical coverage through contractual arrangement with a variety of health care providers, including hospitals, physician groups, etc.
Prospective Payment System - Now used by medicare in which reimbursement is based on the coast of providing a service.
Provider Number
The number assigned a healthcare provider when they qualify to provide to provide Medicare and/or Medicaid services. Medicare numbers are assigned by CMS; Medicaid numbers are assigned by the state Medicaid Agency.
The endorsement by one state of a person’s license held or issued in another state.
Regional Office
The field office of CMS. Each region serves several states.
Federal/State standards by which certified nursing homes must operated.
A Person who resides in a nursing facility. They were previously called patients, especially in SNF’s. OBRA specifies that all be referred to as residents.
Retirement Housing
Housing units especially designed for the elderly and the retired.
Responsible Party
A family member, or other person, who agrees to look after the affairs of a nursing home resident and who is responsible for the resident’s financial needs.
SNF - Skilled Nursing Facility
Offers 24-hour nursing care and other services, primarily for the elderly.
Guidelines that spell out policies, procedures and other regulations for practice and/or operation of facilities.
SSA - Social Security Act of 1935
Also refers to Social Security Administration.
State Board of Examiners of Long Term Care Administrators
An agency duly authorized by a state to license nursing home administrators and sometimes LTC administrators and monitor their performance.
State Medicaid Agency
The official state agency that handles Medicaid and the states’ duties in Medicare.
A simplified and standardized conception or attitude that assumes any one group of people have common characteristics and are lacking in originality and individuality.
Subacute Care
Care provided by nursing facilities to patients discharged from hospitals still needing specialized care for such problems as fractured hips, massive strokes, and unhealed surgical wounds. Some hospitals have developed these units.
A legal term meaning the state has done away with a state agency - closed it down.
Swing Beds
Beds in a hospital serving less than 100 patients that may be used for either acute or long-term care.
Title XVIII (18)
Provides for Medicare which is medical assistance in the form of insurance for people 65 and over and certain disabled persons.
Title XIX (19)
Provides for Medicaid which is medical assistance available to needy people through Federal funds granted to states. Federal funds are matched by state funds according to a prescribed formula and funds are administered by the state.
Treatment Facility
An institution to which patients are admitted by physician’s orders and which offers medical, nursing and other forms of treatment for health problems.
USDHHS - US Department of Health and Human Services
The unit of federal government that supervises Medicare and Medicaid.