Introduction 1 Flashcards
Mist microbs living?
Yes,it must be living
What is the different between virulant and opportunstic type of bacteria
Virulent it effect normal qnd sick people
Opportunstic it effect only those who have weak immuni system
What tyoe of parasite consider from microbiology?
Give example of pharmacetical microbiology?
Bacteria is prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
Does bacteria hase cell membrane?what it have? has rigid cell wall
Bacteria has both DNA and RNA but bacteria hse only one,DNA or RNA? are right
What give the bacteria rigid cell wall?
Teichoic acid found in……..
Lipopolysaccharide in …….
1.ingram positive gram negative
Whay the external strecure calles assitional structre?
Becase it found in smoe bacteria and not found in other
What is the color of gram positve and gram negative bacteria?
Positve blue
Negative red
What is the features of gram positve bacteria?
Thick wall cosist of multilayer of peptidoglycan and teichoic acid in outer structure
Appear blue or purplr color after staning
What is the featers of gram negative bacteris?
Thin cell wall consist of single layer of polyptidoglycan in outer surface that contain endotoxin
Appear red or pink after staning
What is the function of mesosome
carry the enzymes for aerobic respiration and increase the surface area for the same
What is the main function of cytoplasmic membran?
Active transport into cell
Energy secretion
Synthesis of of precursor of the cell wall and secretion of enzyme and toxins