Introducing Nursing Research for EBP Flashcards
-Systematic inquiry that relies on methods to solve problems
-Nursing research is systematic inquiry designed to develop evidence about issues of importance to nurses and their clients
-Clinical nursing research is research that is designed to guide nursing practice and to improve health and QOL of clients
Nursing research: past and present
-Florence nightingale in 1850s
-Practice-oriented research in 1960s
-Improvements in client care in 1970s
-NCNR established at NIH in 1986
Future directions for nursing research
-Continued focus on EBP
-ONgoing growth of research syntheses
-Increased emphasis on patient centeredness
-Greater interest in the applicability of research
-Expanded local research and quality improvement efforts in health care settings
Roles of nurses in research
-Consumers of nursing research: nurses who read reports
-Producers of nursing research: nurses who perform research
Disciplined research
-Best method of acquiring knowledge
-EBP health care
-Paradigm: worldview, general perspective on world’s complexities
-Positivist paradigm: reflection of broad cultural mvmt that emphasizes rational and scientific
-Constructivist (naturalistic) paradigm: countermovement to positivism, major alternative system for conductive research
Positive paradigms
-An assumption is a principle believed to be true w/o verifications
-There is reality out there that can be studied and known
-Positivists assume that nature is ordered and regular, and that a reality exists independent of human observation
-Understanding underlying causes of natural phenomena
-Approach involves use of orderly, disciplined procedures w/ tight controls over research situation to test hunches about the nature of phenomena being studied and relationships among them
-Postpositivists recognize impossibility of total objectivity, but strive toward it
The scientific method
-Scientific method: orderly procedures to gather quantitative info
-Empirical evidence: evidence rooted in objective reality and gathered thru senses
-Ability to generalize research findings to individuals who did not take part is an important goal
Constructive paradigms
-Reality is not a fixed entity but rather a construction of ppl participating in research
-Constructivists take the position of relativism
-Assumes knowledge is maximized when distance btwn inquirer and participants in study is minimized
-Emphasize inherent complexity of humans, their ability to shape their own experiences, the idea that truth is a composite of realities
-Major limitation of scientific method is that it is reductionists (reduces human experience to few concepts under investigation)
Multiple paradigms and nursing research
-Ultimate goals: answer questions and solve problems
-External evidence: researchers gather and analyze evidence empirically
-Reliance on human cooperation: researchers must persuade people to participate in study
-Ethical constraints: ethical principles
-Fallibility: all studies have limitations and errors
Purposes of nursing research
-Therapy/intervention questions are addressed by health care researcher who want to learn the benefits of specific actions, tx, products, processes
-Seek to identify effective tx for preventing health problems
-Dx/assessment question must be addressed
-High-quality instruments w/ documented accuracy are essential for clinical research
-Prognosis questions strive to understand outcomes associated w/ disease, estimate their probability of occurring, predict types of ppl for whom the outcomes are most likely
-Studies facilitate development of long-term care plans for pts
Etiology/prevention of harm
Determining the factors and exposure that affect or cause illness, mortality, or morbidity