Introdcution to Python Flashcards
Set of instructions for a computer to follow
Assignment Statement
Places an object in memory
A connection between a name in the code and some data in the computer’s memory.
Data that is assigned to a variable
A string of characters, written inside quotes
A whole number with no fraction or decimal part
Square brackets with commas
A file that has a collection of useful code that can be used in other python programs
A named block of code that can be called to do something
Import Statement
Importing a module
Method Call
Calling a method from within a module
Syntax Errors
When you write something that doesn’t make sense in the grammar of the language
Usage Errors
When you ask the computer to do something that doesn’t make sense.
Logic Errors
What you wrote isn’t what you meant
Named blocks of code that doesn’t run until we till it to, core of every programmer’s work
A piece of code that provides complete instructions for some action
Simple Statement
Statements that don’t contain any other statements inside of them (import turtle)
Compound Statement
A compound statement contains other statements inside of it