Intro unit: Test Review Flashcards
Compass Rose
A symbol on a map that shows the cardinal directions. The cardinal directions are the main compass points—north, south, east, and west.
A _______ tells us what the map is about.
Cartographer/ Map making
Map making is also known as Cartography, they both mean the same thing, this is, using geographical information and transforming it into a map.(They make things smaller than they really are.)
Key/ legend
A list of symbols that appear on the map and they tell you what the symbols on the map mean.
Cardinal Directions
The four main Cardinal Directions are North, East, South, West.
Symbols on a map
Written or printed marks, letters, figures, etc. used to represent objects or information so there are not as many words on the map so it is easier to read.
Are used on maps as a tool for measuring distances.
A system of lines/numbers/letters that help you locate destinations on a map easier and faster.
Latitude as it relates to the Equator and Hemispheres
Latitude lines run East and West, and divides the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and goes along with the Equator.
Longitude as it relates to Prime Meridian and Hemispheres
Longitude runs North and South and divides the Eastern and Western hemispheres, and goes along with the Prime Meridian.
Prime Meridian
The Prime Meridian is a line of longitude that divides the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Goes North and South
The Equator is a line of latitude that divides the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Your proximity (how close you are) to the Equator impacts your climate.
Relative Location
Where somewhere is located in relation to somewhere else. Example: Michigan is NORTH of Ohio
7 Continents biggest to smallest (surface area)
- Asia
- Africa
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica
- Europe
- Australia
Map application
Reading and applying map skills
Absolute Location
Exact location on the earth (coordinates). Example: 43N, 56W
Five main components to having a good map.
- Title
- Key/Legend
- Scale
- Compass Rose
- Grid (optional)
- Label
Interpreting maps and graphs
Using a legend/key with symbols and color.
Continents population (biggest to smallest)
- Asia
- Africa
- Europe
- North America
- South America
- Australia
- Antarctica
Culture is the way of life of a group of people.
Culture Traits
Cultural traits = make up culture
Ex: Elevator = Tool
Ex: House games = entertainment
Unwritten rules of behavior that are considered (un) acceptable to a group or society. Example: it’s a norm to not shout in public places.
Paraphrasing steps in order
- Chunk the text (smaller pieces)
- Read thoughtfully
-What did I just read?
-How does it fit with my purpose? - Write
-Short bullets
-In own understanding
Paraphrases ( why is it important)
Paraphrases ( why is it important)
*Putting something (text, videos, audio, images) into your own understanding
*Pulling out information that fits with your topic (relevant)
*Short, succinct bullets
*Paraphrasing is not summarizing - it’s pulling out the main ideas that fit your topic
Applying Relative Location Example
Ex: Florida is North of Mexico
Ex: Nevada is East of California
Oceans and where they are located
Oceans and where they are located
1. Pacific ocean located is west of South Amercica.
2. Atlantic ocean located is North of Anartica
4. Southern ocean located South of Antartcica
5. Arctic ocean located North of Africa.
Relationship of continents to the Prime Meridian and Equator
Relationship of continents to the Prime Meridian and Equator
First, they both help separate the Earth’s four hemispheres (Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western) by dividing the globe into halves. Second, the prime meridian is used to measure distances east and west, while the equator is used to identify the general location of Earth’s continents.
Difference between Absolute and Relative
The difference between Absolute and Relative location is Absolute location is the exact location on earth and Relative location where somewhere is located in relation to somewhere else. **know when you would use absolute location vs relative location (red cross, pilot, military, arch engineer, oil rig captain, ship captain)
E pluribus unum ( from Michigan’s flag)
One nation many states
Tuebor ( from Michigan’s flag)
I will defend the front teer state
Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice ( from Michigan’s flag)
“If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you”
Animal on the left and right (Michigan Flag)
Leftf: Elk
Right: Moose
Michigan native animals.
Animal on the right ( from Michigan’s flag)
The figure of the man raising his right hand ( from Michigan’s flag)
The man raising his right hand signifies Peace
The Man’s left hand holds ( from Michigan’s flag)
The Man’s left hand holds ( from Michigan’s flag)
A rifle to say that although we love peace, we are ready to defend our state and nation.
Eagle ( from Michigan’s flag)
National Bird and this symbolizes the superior authority and jurisdiction or the control of the U.S.. represents the U.S., which formed the state of Michigan.
What the Eagle is holding (Michigan Flag)
Three arrows which show that our nation is ready to defend its principles. It also holds 13 olives on an olive branch which represents we want peace and there is 13 olives to chow the first 13 states.
Eagle: national bird.
Detroit flag
In the center (fire of 1805)
Women in the middle - one weeping, other hopeful
Fire burning + new city emerging
Speramus Meliora Resurget Cineribus = We hope for better things; it will arise from the ashes.
Lions - British control of Detroit late 1700’s
Fleur de Lis - France “founded” Detroit
Stars and Stripes - US
We value resilance because even when the city burned down they built it back up. Specific Evidence: Woman crying- on the left represents the burning city in 1805. Other Women are helpful next to the new rebuilt city Latin- we hope for better days we will rise for the ashes.
How does purpose change your paraphrase.
How does purpose change your paraphrase. Because if your purpose changes then you look for something different to paraphrase.
Parallel vs Perpendicular
Parallel is two lines that are matching but never touching and they are an equal distance apart. Perpendicular has two lines that are touching each other forming a 90 degree angle.
What do flags show you
Flags show you the values the culture of a country or state.
Moose and Elk (Michigan flag)
The elk and moose are taken from the Hudson’s Bay Company coat of arms flag , and
represented as the great animals of Michigan.
Iceland flag
- The red stands for lava
- while the white around the cross represents glaciers
- The cross is also a symbol of Christianity.
- The blue background represents the color of the mountains when viewed from the ocean
Values: Nature, Religion.
Finland Flag
The blue represents the thousands of lakes scattered across the country
While the white is for the snow that covers the land in winter.
The cross symbolizes Christianity
Values: Nature, Religion.
Michigan flag values
Value: We value peace but we are ready to defend. Specific Evidence: In the flag it shows this when the Eagle is holding a olive branch which repersents peace but is also holding arrows to repersent we are ready to defend.
Continents and what hemisphere they are in.
- Africa is found in all of the Hemispheres.
- Asia Eastern, Northern, and Southern Hemispheres
- North America Northern and Western Hemispheres
- South America Western, Southern, and Northern Hemispheres
- Europe Eastern, Northern, and Western Hemispheres
- Antarctica Southern, Eastern, and Western Hemispheres
- Australia Southern, Eastern Hemispheres
Continents and what hemispheres they are loctated in.
- Asia Eastern, Southern, Northern Hemispheres
- Africa Northern, Western, Southern and Eastern Hemispheres
- North America Northern, Western Hemispheres.
- South America Southern, Northern, Western
- Anartica Western, Eastern, Southern
- Europe Western, Eastern, Northern
- Australia Southern, Eastern.