Intro to Vue.js (Week 7, part #1) Flashcards
What is Vue.js?
1) A progressive JS framework for building user interfaces
2) Designed to be incrementally adoptable
3) Capable of powering sophisticated SPAs
4) A (powerful) layer of abstraction for JavaScript
What is templating?
A way of separating HTML structure from the content {{…}}
Counter: {{ counter }}
Templating allows to bind values from the model into the view.
In Vue, this can be achieved using simple HTML bindings.
Explain the following:
const Counter = {
data() { return { counter: 0 } }
Create a new Vue object. The Vue object:
1) Is mounted to an element with value ‘#counter’. This property ‘binds’ this Vue instance to the element with id of ‘counter’.
2) A property called data() that returns a POJO with a programmer-defined name-value pair: name of counter, and a value of 0
Vue models are POJOs. What is this?
Plain Old Javascript Objects
What is the difference between Directives and Filters?
custom HTML attributes that tell vue.js to do something to the DOM element (v-if:)
Filters :
can be used to apply common text formatting. In mustache interpolation of v-bind.
What happens when a vue instance is created?
It adds all of its properties in the data object to Vue’s reactivity system.
When the values of those properties change, the view will “react”, updating to match the new values.
What is the viewModel in terms of Vue.js?
An object that syncs the model and the view
What are Vue directives considered to be? Give some examples.
custom attributes
What does Vue allow you to link together?
data and the Document Object Model, a.k.a.
DOM (via the virtual DOM)
What happens once the data and DOM are linked?
things are then reactive
1) User changes the DOM (e.g. enters information), the data is updated;
2) JavaScript changes the data, the DOM is updated
What do Vue directives provide?
Special reactive behaviour based on some logic
What are the values in data() called?
What is the general structure for Vue components?
const SomeComponent = {
data() {
return: {
someProperty: ‘hello!’
methods: {
Give an example of a Vue directive in code.
Reverse Message
Then in the methods section, there is a method called reverseMessage()
In Vue components, what key word is used to access the variables that make up your model?
e.g. this.message = this.newMessage