Intro to Viruses Flashcards
What is a virus
Non-cellular, genetic element that cannot replicate independently of a living (host) cell
the study of viruses
What is a virion
extracellular form of a virus:
* exists outside host and facilitates transmission from one host cell to another
* contains nucleic acid genome surrounded by a protein coat and, in some cases, other layers of material
What can viruses only do wigh regards to replication
Only replicate inside host cells: obligate intracellular pathogens
Structure of virus cells
- icosahedral: 20 faces, each an equilateral triangle
- helical: protein binds around DNA/RNA in a helical fashion
- complex: neither icosahedral or helical
tissue tropism
Most viruses have a specific host range and only infect specific host cell types
what can virus families be classified according to
- Virion shape / symmetry
- Presence / absence of envelope
- Genome structure
- Mode of replication
Name some structures of a viron
lipid envelope, protein capsid, virion associated polymerase, nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), spike projections
Give steps of viral infection/replication
Not sure if need to know?
- Attachment
- Uncoating
- Replication of genomic nucleic acid
- mRNA sythnthesis, protein synthesis, genomic and nucleic acid synthesis
- Viron assembly
- Insertion of virus proteins into membrane
- Budding and release
- Maturation
protein coating, virion wraps virus in capsid for transmission. The capsid is the infective form. You can also sometimes get a lipid coating derived from the host cell
examples of viruses transmitted by blood-borne route
HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C
examples of viruses transmitted by sexual route
HIV, Hepatitis B
examples of viruses transmitted by vertical route (parents to offspring)
HIV, Hepatitis B
examples of viruses transmitted by faecal-oral route
Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, Polio
examples of viruses transmitted by droplet route
Influenza, RSV
examples of viruses transmitted by airborne route
Measles, Chickenpox
examples of viruses transmitted by close contact route
Herpes Simplex, CMV, EBV