Intro to Urinary Flashcards
What are the functions of the urinary system?
- Filtration & Excretion of metabolic waste form blood
- BP regulation via RAAS
- Plasma electrolyte conc. regulation
- Stabilizes pH
- Conserves Nutrient
- Reabsorption of small molecules e.g. AAs. glc. Peptides
- Erythropoietin Production
Describe the peritonisation of the kidney?
They’re Retroperitoneal but only partially peritonised depending on if the structure lying on the kidney is retro or intra peritoneal
What are the layers of kidney, fat, fascia etc?
Kidney Renal Capsule Perirenal fat Renal Fascia Pararenal Fat
What are the organs lying on the ant right kidney?
Right Suprarenal Gland
Right Colic Flexure
What are the organs lying on the ant. Left Kidney?
Left Suprarenal Gland Stomach Spleen Pancreas Desc colon
What are the important structures post to the kidney?
12th rib
Subcostal nerve
Iliohypogastric nerve
Ilioinguinal nerve
What are the branches of the collection system within the kidney?
Ureter Pelvis Major Calyx Minor Calyx Papilla (the curved ending of the minor calyx) Pyramid (Parenchyma, between columns)
What makes up a renal lobe?
Renal Pyramid and associated cortex
What order are the vessels in the kidney hilum?
Anterior to Posterior:
- Vein
- Artery
- Pelvis
What are the levels of branches of the renal artery?
Renal artery branches inside hte liver:
- 5 segmental branches
- > Interlobar branches
- > Arcuate branches
- > Interlobular Branches
What lymphatics drain the kidneys?
Lateral Aortic Nodes
Where are the 3 constrictions of the ureter?
1) As it passes over the inferior renal pole at pevlo-uretic junction
2) As it crosses the common iliac artery bifurcation
3) As it traverses the bladder wall (vesicouretic junction)
What embryological remnants are part of the bladder?
Median Umbilical Ligament = Remant of urachus
Two medial umbilical folds - Occluded embryological umbiical artery
Two lateral umbilical folds - Inf. Epigastric vessels
How is the bladder peritonised?
Retroperitoneal like kidneys
In women its partially peritonised due to the uterus sitting on top
dsecribe the vasculature of the urinary bladder?
Internal iliac arteries branches
Tributaries of internal iliac veins
Explain the lymphatics of the urinary bladder?
Suprapubic - External iliac nodes
Infrapub - Internal iliac nodes
What nerves supply the detrusor muscle (wall of bladder)?
Symp - T10-L2
Parasymp - S2-S4
What mnerves supply the urinary sphincters?
Parasymp - S2-4 - Int Urethral sphincter
Somatic - S2-4 - Ext Urethral Sphincter
Aka pudendal nerve
What supplies sensation ot the bladder?
Parasympathetic fibres carry pain and distension feeling from the urinary bladder
What are the parts of the urethra?
Preprostatic aka intramural
Spongy (in the dick)`
Where are the urinary sphincters found?
Internal - Just after the bladder, seperating the preprostatic and prostatic parts of the urethra
Ext. - Around the spongy urethra
Which part of the urethra is the widest & narrowest?
Widest = Prostatic cos thats where semen enters Thinnest = Membranous
What makes up the nephron
The renal corpuscle + Renal tubules:
Renal corpuscle –> Proximal convuluted tubule –> Loop of Henle –> Distal convuluted Tubule
What makes up the uriniferous tubule?
The nephron + the Collecting duct