Intro to the Ortho Exam Flashcards
What are red flags in a musculoskeletal exam?
Indicate serious pathology (e.g., cancer, tumors, severe pain, unresponsive to medication, weight loss, fever).
Warrant Referrals!
What are yellow flags in a musculoskeletal exam?
Reflect psychosocial issues (e.g., fear-avoidance behaviors, anxiety).
What are blue flags in a musculoskeletal exam?
Occupational problems.
What does OLBIA stand for in a case history?
Onset, Location, Behavior, Influence, Association
What are the components of a physical examination?
Inspection, function, palpation, neurological tests, special tests
What does SINS stand for when considering a condition?
Severity, Irritability, Nature, Stage of condition
What does a resisted test rule in or out?
Contractile structures
What should you do if a patient has a shoulder problem?
clear the neck
What should you do if a patient has an elbow problem?
clear the neck and shoulder
What does SPL mean in the context of resisted tests?
Strong and painless = no pathology
What does SPF mean in the context of resisted tests?
Strong and painful = muscle or tendon problem (strain or tendonitis)
What does WFP mean in the context of resisted tests?
Weak and painful = more serious tendon or muscle pathology (tear, strain, tendonitis)
What does WPL mean in the context of resisted tests?
Weak and painless = neurological involvement, complete tendon rupture or generalized weakness (disuse atrophy)
What does a positive special test mean?
Used to rule in a disease or condition
What does a negative special test mean?
Used to rule out a disease or condition