Intro To The Hydrosphere Flashcards
What is the hydrosphere?
The totality of water surrounding my the Earth, comprising all the bodies of water, ice and water water vapour in the atmosphere. Ex. Water held in rivers, oceans, glaciers, groundwater, soil, and air. It’s all the water on earth.
What are the components of the hydrosphere?
• oceans
• glaciers (cryosphere)
• atmospheric water vapours
• freshwater
• surface+ground water
How much water is used by humans?
What is the origin of water on earth?
• glaciation
• degasification theory
• water vapour, CO2, CO, CH, ammonia, sulphur, HCl, argon, hydrogen came to earth drying lava degasification into water.
• collisions with comets
•mountains and ice
What is water?
Water is essential for living things to grow, reproduce, and carry out important processes.
What are the percentages of water on earth?
• Approximately 71% of earths surface us covered in water. Of all that water, only about 3% is freshwater. An even smaller amount can be used as drinking water.
• About 97% of Earth’s water is salt water found in the ocean, while the other 3% is fresh water, with the majority of that 3% found in huge masses of ice near Earth’s poles
What are waters different properties that make it behave differently?
• water expand as a solid
• has a neutral pH
• has a high specific heat.
• its polarity
What type of molecule is water?
Differences in electronegativity make water a polar molecule. Meaning the positive hydrogen end of one water molecule attracts the negative oxygen ends of another.
• O side is partially negative and H side is partially positive
What is cohesion?
The attraction between individual water molecules creates a bond known as a hydrogen bond.
What is adhesion?
A bond forms between the negative side of one water molecule and the positive side of another.
What is density?
It is the weight of the water per unit volume, which depends on the temperature of the water.
What is surface tension?
molecules on surface of water cause a tightness, almost giving water a “skin”. The property of the surface of water that allows it to resist an external force, due to the cohesive nature of the water molecules.
Why is water a universal solvent?
Can dissolve many substances in it due to its hydrogen bonding and polar structure.
What is capillary action?
allows water to move through materials with pores or narrow spaces (ex. water traveling up stems to leaves). This is due to adhesion.
How is water moved through earths atmosphere?
The water cycle/hydrologic cycle.