Intro to struct./funct. of Alimentary Canal Flashcards
Alimentary Canal
series of hollow organs running from mouth to anus that are separated by sphincters, controlling movement
towards anus
Function of Mouth
chop food, lubricate (saliva), begin carbohydrate digestion
Function of Oropharynx
propels food to oesophagus
Function of Oesophagus
propels food to stomach
Function of Stomach
stores and churns food, continues carbohydrate digestion, begins protein digestion, regulates the deliver of chyme to duodeum
partially digested food, water, hydrochloric acid, various digestive enzymes
from bolus
Function of Small intestine
digestion and absorption of nutrients (PRINCIPLE SITE)
Function of Large Intestine
colon reabsorbs fluids/electrolytes, stores faecal matter before delivering it to the rectum
Function of the Rectum and Anus
storage and regulated expulsion of faeces
Accessory structures
Salivary glands
Liver and gall bladder
mechanical movements of the GI tract
4 layers of the digestive tract wall
muscular externa
Releases a sticky fluid that allows sliding movement
Submucosa Plexus
Absorption + Secretin
Muscularis Externa
Circular Muscle layer
Nerve network
Longitudinal Muscle