Intro to Relational Skill Sets Flashcards
What is our vice-regency a product of?
labor & relationships
What is labor in comparison to vice-regency?
a mechanism of our vice-regency
What is relationships in comparison to vice-regency?
methodology of our vice-regency
What is the goal of discipleship?
to make more disciples
What is discipleship?
the methodology of knowledge transfer in the Kingdom
What does discipleship require?
a developed relational skill set and a knowledge base
Where are relational skill sets developed? Where are they reinforced?
home/ secondary environments (school, church, activities, etc)
God made humans to be what?
What are some questions one can ask that proves that God created us to be relational creatures?
Why did God make Adam? Why did God make Eve? How did Jesus work?
Abstaining from assigned relationships is a what?
What is the only way to acquire a healthy relationship basis?
maturity in Christ
What are the characteristics of emotional immaturity?
unable to operate under authority, relationships are framed by excessive tensions
How do you get maturity in Christ?
a major prayer theme
What does a major prayer theme do?
keeps my heart soft & brings change to my life
What are 3 things that are impossible without relationships?
1) fulfilling God’s mandate
2) vice-regency
3) increased capacity
What is the main flaw of 3rd Force psychology?
it is built on the presupposition that man is basically good
What are some things that emotional immaturity produces?
neurosis, psychosis, alcoholism, drug addictions, criminality, excessive tensions
What is the Yonan Codex Index?
If a man understands the laws of behavior because of an experience, he will follow those laws because he realizes that it is best for him
What are 3 problems with the Yonan Codex Index?
1) I choose because of my own benefit
2) men are able to choose that which is good
3) I must experience things first
What is wrong with this statement: “If I go through enough pain, I’ll choose to operate in a more healthy position”?
I eventually choose because of my own selfishness, not love for neighbor, not in context of vice-regent/bondservant
What happens when you experience conflict between life experiences & your value systems?
anxiety, fear, relational tensions
What is the Christian relational pattern anchored to?
a transcendent standard
What is the Christian relational position defined by?
emotional investment
The Christian relational position’s operation is a result of understanding what 2 things?
authority & love
What are all relationships defined by?
the level of emotional attachment
The greater the level of _______, the more _______ the definition.
emotional attachment/narrow(specific)
Finish the statement: “The greater the emotional level.. the more narrow the definition…”
“…the greater the responsibility… the less ‘rights’ you have”
What two things are inversely proportional?
emotional level and definition
List two other things that are proportional.
physical involvement & emotional attachment
What is the definition of an unassigned relationship?
not aligned, not operating in proper context
What do unassigned relationships do?
waste energy & time, add to relational tensions, don’t operate in fruit of righteousness, decreases my leverage
How do you know if a relationship is assigned or not?
they decrease capacity, are not established in proper context
What is the “proper context” of a relationship?
order & authority
The foundation of relationships is an understanding of what?
authority & love
According to William Sands, what is a common denominator for criminals and the emotionally immature?
a contempt for authority
What is a non-Christian’s relational position?
no absolutes, relationships are a concept of time, I only focus on my needs in a relationship
What is another word for “assigned relationships”?
What is the model Scripture gives for creating a new family?
young men get married, young women are given in marriage
_______ always goes before ________.
Alignment before assignment
When does God work?
when we are prepared.. not before, not after
What must the joint be in order to provide leverage?
must be aligned properly
What does “in joint” mean?
proper relationship with those around me
What does it look like when a relationship is aligned properly?
it operates under authority & it operates in the proper time/order
What are key questions to ask when deciding if a relationship is assigned or not?
Do my relationships produce excessive relational tension? Do the people I’m aligned with exhibit the proper order in their own life? How about me personally?
What does “diet determines destiny” mean?
If I feed my emotional/physical aspect the most they will rule me but if I feed the spirit man, I will walk in the spirit
What does thriving and being fruitful require?
the right environment
Do I pick or discern the will of God?
discern the will of God
What is the primary enculturation vehicle in society?
the family
What does enculturation mean?
the process where individuals learn their group’s culture
What was one of the first institutions designed by God?
“dominion team”/ family
When did God appoint a vice-regent?
the 6th day of His work
Relationships must function in terms of what?
authority gradient
What are some examples that show that contemporary Christians don’t handle conflict well?
divorce rate, job turn over, church turn over, relationship turn over, inordinate responses to conflict, avoidance of conflict
Why do not handle conflict well?
poorly developed skill sets
Why will relational conflict always be with us?
all men are born sinners
What is excessive relational tension a product of?
Who are the only people who operate in unassigned relationships?
Immature people
What are some indicators that a person is not emotionally healthy/mature?
- orientates out of hurts & anxieties from previous relationships
- unable to operate under authority
- selfishness not love
- rights not responsibility
What are the 3 “operators” of immature people?
- operates from an offended position
- operates out of fear/anxiety
- operates under deception
My functional position in the correct Christian context is what?
As a vice-regent
My operational posture in the correct Christian context is what?
As a bond-servant
Without the correct context, what will happen?
- I will not be willing to change
- I will not be strong enough to withstand the by products of the process
What establishes the backdrop of how I will respond to conflict?
The context of my relational skill sets
What is the context of the Kingdom? What is the context of the enemy?
Why do Christians fear?
They don’t trust God’s assignment/order
When I fear what am I focused on?
My rights, my offenses, my power
In fear, I frame my questions/statements in terms of what?
Win/lose; right/wrong; money/power; revenge/bitterness
What is faith?
Me CHOOSING to believe
What type of environment must you stay in in order to get emotionally mature?
Growth environment
What is conflict an opportunity for?
What is God always interested in?
The condition if my heart
What happens when I don’t control my self talk?
Head & mind gets jammed up/ it gets in the way of being a vehicle of the revelation of God’s love to others
What is the proper Christian orientation?
- I function in terms of vice-regency
- I operate from a position of bond-servantry
How do you function in terms of vice-regency?
bring my master’s reign & rule in a 360 degree circle
What does bond-servantry look like?
I own nothing. I control nothing.
What does creativity operate in?
a conflict environment