Intro to Psych Flashcards
Mental Health Overview
- lifelong process of successful adaptation to an ever-changing internal and external environment
- positive/adaptive coping mechanisms
- individual is in contact with reality and the environment
-ability to function with healthy responses even when experiencing significant stress and adversity
What is resilience influenced by?
- optimism, or belief that a positive outcome is possible in the situation they are currently facing
- self efficancy, or belief that they have the ability to complete the tasks needed to take control of situations which influence their life
- can be emotion focused or problem focused
- problem focused is use of more problem solving and finding meaning
Ability to function
- within occupational or school environment
- within a family system
Cognitive Coping
emotional: oh its not that bad
problem: what are my odds of surviving
Behavioral Coping
emotional: physical activity to avoid thinking about the stressful event
problem: adhereing to a health care plan
Affective Coping
emotional: hoping for a miracle
problem: keeping feelings from interfering
Erikson’s Stage: Young Adulthood
18-25 years (intimacy vs. Isolation)
successful: developing healthy romantic relationships without losing personal identity
unsuccessful: isolation, avoidance of intimacy, fear of commitment
Erikson’s Stage: Adulthood
25-65 years (generativity vs. stagnation)
successful: productivity and creativity. Desire to care for and guide offspring
(if no kids, guide next generation)
unsuccessful: self-preoccupation, primary attainment of pleasure through self indulgence, stagnation
Erikson’s Stage: Maturity
65-death (integrity vs. despair)
successful: sense of peace concerning life experiences, life choices framed within meaningful context, development of wisdom
unsuccessful: life experiences framed by bitterness/regret, may progress to hopelessness/depression
Mental Illness
- loss of the ability to respond to the environment in ways that are in accord with one’s own or society’s expectations
- characterized by thoughts, feelings, or behavior patterns that impair functioning and cause the individual (or others!) distress
Adaptations to Stress with mental illness
- feels out of control with self and with the environment
- has a negative perception of the environment/life in general
- has ineffective coping mechanisms
Personality Characteristics of mental illness
- non-accepting of self and dislikes self
- unrealistic perception of strengths and weaknesses
- thoughts and perceptions may not be reality based
- unable to find meaning and purpose in life
- lacks direction and productivity in life
- has difficulty in meeting own needs
- adapative vs maladaptive responses/behaviors/coping skills
Interpersonal Relationships with mental illness
- unable to love and care for others (with appropriate and healthy boundaries)
- unable to feel loved by others or accept feelings from others
Historical timeline of mental illness treatment
1793: released from chains in Paris Hospital
Mid 19th century: continued belief in moral causes of mental illness
1847-1851: Hope Retreat
1937: Electric Shock Therapy
1946: National Institute of Mental Health
1950: Intro of Psychotropic drugs
1963: Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963 (De-institutionalization of care)
2008: mental health parity
2010: Affordable care act
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing
- diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or potential mental health problems
- specialized area of nursing practice
Psych nursing draws from multiple theoretical models
- biological
- counseling
- Hildegard Peplau’s
- Therapeutic use of self
Influence of Hildegard Peplau
- introduced the concept of a therapeutic relationship
- different from social relationship
- requires therapeutic use of self
- important for nurse to have self awareness/understanding of own philospohies about life, death and human condition
conditions that promote development of a therapeutic relationship
- trust
- genuineness
- empathy
- rapport
- respect
Stages of Therapeutic relationship
- preinteraction
- orientation
- working
4 termination
the focus of a therapeutic relationship
-promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness in individuals, families, and groups in the communities
Collaborative Inpatient care
-physician, nurse, social services, occupational therapy and mental health counselors, peer specialists
The physician creates a diagnosis based on…
- assessment
- data gathered by other disciplines
- DSM 5