Intro to Positive Psych Midterm Chapter 1 Flashcards
The Rising Importance of the Social World (The focus)
- Focus on empiricism, rationalism, and mechanism created an image of human nature that appeared simple, understandable, and clear.
The Rising Importance of the Social World (Reformers) Basic need…
- Reformers such as Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill believed that basic needs of people to seek pleasure and avoid pain could be used to create a more stable society.
The Rising Importance of the Social World (Utilitarianism)
If you want to know whether a certain behavior is right or ethical or fosters the good life, then you must show that it leads to the enhancement of happiness for the greatest number of people.
Aim of Utilitarianism
According to this philosophy happiness for all people is the ultimate aim of all human actions and should be used as the standard by which actions should be evaluated as right or wrong.
Hedonic Calculus
Jeremy Bentham asserted that was possible to quantify happiness by examining the ratio of positive to negative experiences in one’s life.
John Stuart Mill (Stance)
Agreed with many ideas of utilitarianism but disagreed with Bentham’s belief that all pleasures should be given equal value - a notion that is central to hedonic calculus.
John Stuart Mill (Belief)
He contended that crucial differences exist among pleasures in terms of their quality. Intellectual pleasures are far more important to human happiness than biologic pleasures, which humans share with other animals.
John Stuart Mill (Famous Saying)
It is better to be a human dissatisfied that a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied
The oldest approach to well-being and happiness
Hedonism (Focus)
Focuses on pleasure as the basic component to the good life.
Hedonism (Definition)
In its basic form is the belief that the pursuit of well-being is fundamentally the pursuit of individual sensual pleasures and the avoidance or harm, pain, and suffering.
Hedonism (Does it work?)
Has been seen as self-defeating and unworkable by most societies throughout history.
Hedonism (Why Doesn’t It Work?)
Sensual pleasures are transient and require and constant struggle to be sustained. When focused on too exclusively the hedonistic drive produces no lasting benefits to personality or personal growth
Hedonism (Behavior vs Reality)
The idea that we behave in order to increase physiological pleasure and avoid physiological pain is violated frequently enough that it cannot serve as the ultimate basis for any seriously inquiry into the good life or well-being
Positive Psychology
Seeks to investigate what people do correctly in life. People adapt and adjust to life in creative ways that allow them to feel good about life.