Intro to NT Flashcards
What does Jesus do in the Temple’s Court of the Gentiles?
He cleansed the temple and kicks out the moneychangers and the greedy/disrespectful
at Pinnacle
Jesus tempted by Satan
Story of the widow
Jesus sees widow five a small amount of money but explains that she is generous because it was all she had
What are the gospels?
Record of the life and teachings of Jesus
What does “Christ” mean?
Anointed One
Why is there tension between Jewish and Samaritans in Palestine?
-Samaritans believed in more than one god
-Samaritans had a different worship center
-Samaritans were not considered “purely” Jewish
What is the theme of Philippians 2
the humility of Jesus
Philippians 2
Mary conceived Jesus by
the Holy Spirit
Matthew audience
Jewish Christian
Mark symbol
Purpose of Pauline Letters
to support and guide individual communities of believers
The Book of Revelation includes
similarities to the Garden of Eden and a description of liturgy in Heaven
god becomes human in the person of Jesus
Who is the Jewish historian that mentioned the existence of Jesus?
Luke was a _ writing to _
Gentile; Gentiles
Who are the 4 women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus? (Matt 1)
How are they surprising relatives?
- Tamar (dressed as a prostitute)
- Rahab (prostitute)
- Ruth (Gentile - married into the covenant)
- Bathsheba (adultery)
-gentiles, did dodd things
-seen as unrespectable or unholy
–show Jesus’ humanity
-trust God’s mercy
-teach not to judge others
Jesus was misunderstood. What/who correctly states his identity?
Matthew 16: 16-20
“The Messiah, the Son of the living God”
-Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy
“flesh & blood has not revealed this”=not humans
Peter=rock church will be built
Story of John the Baptist, Herod, Herodias, and their daughter
-John disapprove
-look at the story
-jealously had the authority to judge her
-evil temptation
ask her
Jesus language
synoptic gospels
Mark, Matthew, Luke
Synagogue vs. temple
Synagogue=place of meeting
Temple=sacrirfice (Holy of Holies enter only Yom Kippur)