Intro To Neuropharmacology Flashcards
Three main parts of brain
Fore brain(cerebrum and diencephalon)
Brain Stem(mid brain,pons,medulla)
What separates frontal lobe from parietal lobe
Central sulcus
Voluntary motor function is subserved by
Pre-central gyrus of frontal lobe
Sensory function lies in the
Postcentral gyrus of parietal lobe
Collective term given to bilateral masses of deeply sited gray matter
Epithalamus consists of
Habenualr nuclei an pineal gland
First part of brainstem that is directly continuous with spinal cord
Medulla oblongata
Nuclei within medulla oblongata
For CN 5,9,10,11,12
Here motor and some sensory fibers cross
—— can be viewed as a relay center between cerebellum,the brain and PNS
Nuclei within pons
for cranial nerves V, VI, VII and VIII
motor nuclei in the pontine reticular formation
Motor nuclei within pons role
Postural , cvs and respiratory control
Location of cerebellum and it’s connections
Posterior to pons
Afferent and efferent connections lies within spinal cord tract
A network of neurons with diffuse dendritic connections
Reticular formation
This neuronal Network occupies midline of brainstem
Reticular Formation
Organization of reticular formation
Loosely organized into 3 longitudinal nuclear columns i.e Median,medial and lateral
Subdivided into 3 ventrocaudally
Mesencephalic,pontine, medullary
Reticular formation receives input from (1N,BIG HYP BELL COR)
Ascending sensory neurons, cerebellum,basal ganglia, hypothalamus,cerebral cortex
Reticular formation gives out to all of these except
Hypothalamus, thalamus,spinal cord,cerebrum
Motor, sensory (pain) and autonomic functions are performed by
Reticular formation
The nonspecific alerting function of reticular formation is related to
Ascending reticulothalamocortical
Pathway(ascending reticular activating system)
Amygdala is functionally a part of
Limbic system
Lesion of amygdala causes
Placidity (absence is of agitation and excitement)
Amnesia is caused by
Lesion of mammillary bodies as in Korsakoff’s syndrome or with lesion of temporal lobe
Lesion of posterior hypothalamus results in
Rage(violent or uncontrollable anger)
Basal ganglia control motor function by
An effect on cerebral hemispheres
Basal ganglia has afferent and efferent connections with
Forebrain(cerebrum and thalamus , subthalamus)
The largest component of basal ganglia is
Corpus striatum
Corpus striatum has 2 nuclei namely
Caudate nucleus
Lentiform nucleus (putamen and globus pallidus)
Midbrain ends in two huge fiber bundles which form the
Cerebral peduncles