Intro to Marx Flashcards
What was Marx’s central concern?
The consequences of the transition to capitalism for individuals
What was one of his more famous works?
The Communist Manifesto, which was used as a guide by people with political motives to create a more just society.
What are Marx’s academic writings about?
They critique German Idealism
What was is important to remember about his analysis on the German philosophical tradition (German Ideology)?
He maintained that the material/empirical level of existence cannot be inferred or understood from the study of the ideas.
What is an example of Marx’s analysis?
The actual empirical state (government) cannot be inferred from the ideal state.
What is an example of Marx’s analysis in relation to society?
In order to understand the social organization of society it is necessary to understand the material/empirical basis of society.
What is another topic that Marx crtiqued?
Classical Political Economics (Adam Smith and David Ricardo)
What is Classical Political Economics (CPE) about?
It focused on the material basis of society but failed to fully understand social development
What was the issue with Classical Political Economics?
It conceptualized markets as separate from society (or unconnected from social behavior)
What were the two false assumptions that kept CPE from understanding the real basis of society?
1.) CPE falsely assumed that economic relations can be treated as abstract entities
2.) CPE falsely assumed that the conditions of capitalism’s production characteristics can be attributed to all economic forms
What does abstract entities mean?
Separate from social relationships
What is an example of the second assumption that kept CPE from understanding the real basis of society?
Many CPEs assumed that the profit motive is a natural characteristic of humans but Marx says that the emphasis on profits is a capitalism characteristic.
What is the definition of historical materialism?
Historical materialism explains change in human consciousness in terms of changes in the labor process
What is human consciousness in Marx’s perspective?
Intellectual development
What is the definition of labor?
The creative interchange between man and the physical/material environment
What does homo faber mean?
Man the creator
What is the relationship between labor and social change?
Understanding social change requires understanding change in labor activity and the organization of labor.
How does human consciousness play a role in understanding the relationship between labor and social change?
Labor is where human consciousness develops and changes.
What is the definition of Mode of Production (MOP)?
It is the social organization of economic activity
What does each MOP entail?
It entails a stage of history that entails a definite set of social class relations
Explain the relationship of MOP, social relations, and the stages of history.
1.) The MOP, or the organization of the way in which we produce, entails a specific set of social relations (class structure)
2.) The social relations are unique to each stage of history
3.) The production process unifies the society and contributes to its development
What are the two key dimensions of each mode of production?
Relations of production (class relations) and Forces of production
What does relations of production mean?
Determining the class relation. There are two primary classes in each MOP: those who control the means of production and those who do not.
What are the forces of production?
Means of production, raw materials, and labor power
What are some examples of means of productions?
Tools, machinery, and technology
What is labor power?
The knowledge and skills of the producers
Why does labor power vary over time?
Because the capacity of humans to produce depends on how developed the human consciousness is
What is the definition of labor?
It is the actual performing of work
What is something that all MOPs have? And what is its purpose in relation to the MOPs?
Superstructure and it contributes to MOPs stability
What does the superstructure do specifically?
It reinforces the economic structure including class relations
What is the relationship between the superstructure and ideology?
Ideology is the dominant ideas that legitimize the MOP and the ideas come from the dominant class
What is the relationship between the state and the superstructure?
The state is the primary basis of legitimate authority in society and the dominant class controls the state.
Explain the structure that is the basis of the superstructure.
The superstructure emerges from and legitimates the structure, which simultaneously ensures the privleged position of the dominant class.
What is the definition of surplus value?
It is a value that remains after society reproduces itself.
What is the context for the definition of surplus value?
A certain amount of value produced in society must be reinvested to ensure survival and preservation of society but the value that remains is known as surplus value.
In a capitalist society why are the working class and the capitalist classes in conflict?
Because of the distribution of surplus
What is the position of the capitalist in capitalist societies?
They are the owners of the means of production, which means they want higher profits.
What is the position of the workers in the working class in capitalist societies?
They are nonowners, which means they want higher wages, safer workplaces, and benefits.
What is the outcome of conflict that emerges over the distribution of surplus in society?
Social change
Describe the characteristics of social change
Most social change is incremental and occurs within a MOP. There is also transformational change, which entails change form one MOP to another one (EX: feudalism to capitalism)
Why does transformational change occur?
Because the contradiction within the mode of production became extreme
Transformation change occurs when there is a disjunction between what?
The class with the most political power and the class that controls or owns the most efficient means of production
What is the difference between the capitialist mode of production and previous modes of production?
In the capitalist MOP ownership of the means of production is unique compared to previous MOPs, where the dominant class controlled the means of production by force or threats of force.
What are the obstacles that restrict the change in MOP?
The ruling class, which controls the superstructure (state and ideology)
What two things make up the social structure?
State and ideology
What is the basis of social change?
The contradiction between the forces and relations of production which result in extreme class conflict
How occurs with incremental change?
A new class with control over the most efficient means of production
Why does the new class try to gain control?
To have more political influence over the prevailing dominant class