1.collection, processing, and analysis of biological specimens
medical laboratory science
2.performance of lab procedures
medical laboratory science
3.evaluate results and interprets lab data
medical laboratory science
- provides laboratory results and are vital healthcare detectives uncovering and providing laboratory information that aid doctors in px’s diagnosis and treatment.
medical laboratory services
5.T/F- medical laboratory services must be accurate, precise and timely.
False; reliable
- medical laboratory services
- clinical chemistry
- hematology
- immunoserology
- microbiology
- histopathology
- immunohematology
- molecular biology
- working with and through people to accomplish common vision, mission and goals
- important statements that define in organization
- statement that looks to the future
- captures the key elements of the organization’s past and and present
11.statement on how you will achieve your vison
- characteristic of a good mission statement
emotionally appealing; ethical in nature
- clear and tangible aims
- statements of what needs to be accomplished to implement the strategy
- key person in the management team
- three roles of a manager
- person
- servant
- representative
- take charge or oversees the functioning of the authority to achieve a set of goals and objectives
- T/F - a leader is born not made
- runs an organization within the framework of various directives and policies given
- T/F- an administrator is the person who establishes the larger goals
- Top administrator or manager of an organization
- to whom does the CEO reports to
Board of Directors
- handles affairs of an organization by establishing goals and priorities
- oversees the activities of employees to help them accomplish specific task
- three categories of resources
- financial
- physical
- human
- what role does the manager has when he/she is the face of the company
- representative
- what role does the manager has when he / she provides the means for the staff to meet the needs of their patient and customers
- servant
- laboratory administrator
- laboratory director
- T/F- A laboratory director exercises more technical skills and high level of conceptual skills.
- changes in technology, capital investment, services rendered
- laboratory director
- chief medical technologist
- laboratory manager
- create and maintain suitable environment for laboratory personnel to function efficiently
- plan, organize, direct and control jobs.
- create and maintain suitable environment for laboratory personnel to function efficiently
- laboratory manager
- T/F- a laboratory manager requires high level in both technical and conceptual skills
- focus on people and operational delivery of lab services
- laboratory supervisor
- T/F- a laboratory supervisor does not require high technical skills but requires high conceptual skills
- False
- also called as section heads
bench level supervisors
- exercise large number of technical skills
- assess and trains junior lab personnel
bench level supervisor
38.T/F- a bench level supervisor requires high level of technical skills
- true
- ability to conceptualize and apply the management process
- organizational skills
- understanding of basic theories of human needs
- people skills
- ensures competencies of the technical staffs by continuing education and training
people skills
- effective use of monetary assets
financial management skills
- management of the physical resources
technical skills
- introduced the concept of management
Henri Fayol
- management should be an orderly process of task and duties
Henri Fayol
- planning was the most important
Henri Fayol
- Father of Scientific Management
Frederick Taylor
- broke down each task to segment
Frederick Taylor
- valued efficiency by identifying and replicating one best way to complete task
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
- regulation and consistency in the workplace
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
- Mother of Modern Management
Mary Parker Follet
- believed that management was the art of getting things done through people
- management is essentially coordination
Mary Parker Follet
- introduced the role of the management consultant
Lyndall Urwick
- process of examining the organizational aspects of companies and their workflow to explain how institutions functions and how to improve their structural process or performance
Bureaucracy management theory
- there should be chain of command
- clear definition of authority in the organization
- they should have only one boss
- scalar principle
- introduced the concept of specialization
Adam Smith
- looks at the performance and interaction of people within the org
Organizational Behavior Management
- employees are motivated far more by relational factors
- satisfaction of the worker depends on the co worker
Elton Mayo
- developed assumptions about the basic nature of men and proposed two styles of management
- Douglas McGregor
- This theory is authoritarian in nature
Theory X
- This theory uses participative approach where employees state pride in their work and see it as a challenge
Theory Y
- developed four management systems to describe the relationship of managers and subordinates
Rensis Likert
- leaders have no concern for people and use threats and fear based methods
- exploitative-authoritative management
- motivates employees through potential punishment and rewards
- subordinates tend to be competitive then results to conflict
- benevolent authoritative management
- allows subordinated to gain motivation through rewards occasional punishments and little involvement in decision making
consultative management
- communication flows both downward and upward which allows more cooperation
consultative management
- promotes genuine participation in decision making and goal setting
participative management
- An Austrian American management consultant stated that there are five basic operations in the work of a manager
Peter Drucker
- Five basic operations
- setting objectives
- organizing
motivating and communciating - establishing standards or measurement performance
- developing people
- thinking and analyzing portion of the management process that result in a formal strategy
- Seven steps of Plannig
-identify goals
-evaluate current situation
- establish time frame
-set objectives
-forecast resource needs
implement plan
-obtain feedback
- assembling the necessary resources and people for implementing plan of action
- two dimensions of organizing
- formal hierarchy
- informal relationships
- most visible, achieving day to day tasks, also called human factor stage
- process of monitoring the standards, measurements and feedback mechanisms
- comparing what has actually been accomplished with the original master plan
- broad, long term ambitions
- specific short term standards
- Characteristic of a good objectives
- SMART meaning
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound
- two basic avenues for implementing a plan
Tools of persuasion
Tools of Control
- a tool that focuses on working with and through people
tool of persuasion
- a tool that involves allocation of resources
tool of control
- when and who introduced the idea of management by objectives
1960s,Peter Drucker
- a program that embodies all of the concepts in the management process
- incorporates the principle of planning, organizing, directing and controlling